part ❤️ 11

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As they were having breakfast, Tay expressed, "You all are here, so I want to say something." Tay's dad inquired, "What is it, son?" Tay explained, "I bought a house close to the office. It will help me and New." Tay's mom asked, "Then who will make both of your breakfast?" Tay reassured her, "Don't worry, Mom, I will take care of it." His mom then inquired, "When do you plan to move?" Tay responded, "Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday." His mom agreed, "Okay, I will help you. But did you tell New about that? Did he agree?" Tay and New exchanged glances but remained silent. Tay's mom persisted, "Don't tell me you didn't tell him about your plan." Tay remained silent again. Turning to New, his mom asked, "New, did you agree about Tay's plan?"  New replied,
"I'm okay with that, Mom. It will help save time for both of us."

In the evening, after dinner, Tay and New retreated to their room. Tay informed New that they would pack in the morning as they had to move the next day, explaining they had a day off. New simply nodded in response and went to bed, feeling uneasy about Tay not telling him about their move beforehand. Tay then suggested, "New, if you want, you can go to your mom's apartment." New, feeling a bit puzzled, sat up on the bed and replied, "Why do you say that? Did I mention I wanted to go to my mom's apartment?" Tay explained, "You seemed upset, so I thought maybe you were missing your mom and sister." Reflecting on Tay's response, New realized that he was upset not because he missed his family, but because Tay hadn't told him about their plan to move out.

New remained silent, so Tay asked again, "Do you want to go or not?" New replied, "I'll go next weekend." Tay accepted his response, saying, "Okay." Then, they both settled into bed and drifted off to sleep.

Tay got up first and began packing his things. After some time, New woke up and saw Tay packing his bag, so he got up and went to the washroom. After a while, New returned from the washroom and packed his belongings. Shortly after, Tay's mom came to them and asked, "Tay, New, have you both already packed your things?" Tay replied, "Yes, Mom, we have. Now we have to go or it will be late. We also have to arrange things there." Tay's mom nodded and said, "Then come downstairs to have breakfast." Tay responded, "Okay, Mom, you go first. We'll be there shortly."

At the parking lot, everyone from the family accompanied them. Tay's mom addressed New and Tay, saying, "Take care of each other. If something happens, please call me." Tay assured her, "Yes, Mom, I will." Then, Tay's mom turned to New and said, "New, if Tay does anything bad, just call me, and I will take care of that." New replied, "Okay, Mom, I will call you. Don't worry." Tay's brother, Bright, chimed in, saying, "P'Tay, I will miss you if you go. Please don't go." Tay responded, "I have to, Bright. I will come here at the weekend." Bright nodded in understanding. Tay's father then added, "Tay, please take care of New. He doesn't know anything about here streets or places. If he wants to go somewhere, take him with you." Tay replied, "I don't have to take him everywhere. He has to go. I have my work too. I don't want my time wasted." Tay's mom immediately interjected, "Tay, don't say things like that. How can you say something like that?"

Tay then intervened, saying, "What, Mom? I didn't say anything wrong. He is an adult. He can go anywhere without bringing anyone. Why Dad say something that I will not do?" His mom seemed about to say something, but New interjected, saying, "Mom, Dad, you two don't have to say anything to Tay. I can take care of myself, it's okay." Then New looked at everyone and reiterated, "No one needs to take me anywhere. If I need to go somewhere, I will go by myself. And if I get lost, I can do an online search."

At that moment, Tay looked at New but remained silent. Then Tay's dad spoke up, saying, "Then take care, son. If you need any help or anything, just call me." New responded with a simple "Okay, Dad." Tay then got into the car, waiting for New to join. Once New was in the car, Tay started the engine and drove away. On the other hand, New felt really sad for Tay saying something like that again. New couldn't understand why he felt that way. When they first met, Tay was also rude to him, but at that time, New didn't feel as bad. However, now he felt really upset.          

A Tale of love's challenge 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora