CH. 2: Dragomira

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With dawn, Dragomira woke up. The sharp rays of the sun stung her face. She still hasn't quite gotten used to the fact that she can walk in the sun again. It wasn't that long ago that its fleeting touch would have burned her to ashes. Today she could feel its warmth on her skin, but not its cruelty. She enjoyed every moment when she could wander the day again and no longer be a prisoner of the night.

Cassius was not lying by her side. She sighed. Apparently, he ran away again to one of the many meetings that were stealing all his free time for themselves. She almost didn't even see him anymore. The approaching war was stealing time from both of them. Cassius intimidated the lords into doing exactly what he ordered and for the time being, she kept her brother Alexei, the commander of the royal guards and army, company on the army training.

Her brother was already waiting for her outside her chambers.

"Ready to fight again?" he gave her a mischievous smile.

Dragomira sighed. "Can't we take at least one day off?" she said.

"War is coming. We can't afford to rest, sister," Alexei told her.

"Just because. Then we won't have any time to rest," said Dragomira.

"Do you realize you are a queen? You can simply order it," noted Alexei.

"You are the commander. I trust your judgment," said Dragomira.

"We'll rest when the war is over," Alexei said firmly.

"Okay," agreed Dragomira reluctantly.

"You're a queen, sister. You should be more decisive. You should stand up for your opinion." her brother told her.

"That's why Cassius is king and I'm helping you with the army," Dragomira argued.

"You saved his crown, Dragomira. He wouldn't be king without you. He wouldn't even be alive anymore." he reminded her. "You can be a good queen, you just don't want to."

"I like to do what I want when I want, and I can't do that as a queen."

"The king is proof that you can do whatever you want as a queen."

They were passing through the corridor towards the premises where the soldiers were training. Through a gap between the curtains shading the tall windows lining the corridor, Dragomira glimpsed Cassius in the company of an unknown woman. She stopped. She pulled back the curtain slightly and watched them unnoticed.

"What's going on?" Alexei asked her, staying in the shadows.

His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "What?"

Alexei approached her and cautiously looked out at what her eyes were fixed on. He saw the king with someone he did not recognize. He gave his sister a worried look.

"Wait here," Dragomira said to her brother and went after Cassius.

She followed them into the private gardens. The woman who kept Cassius company was beautiful. Her black hair flowed over her shoulders. They reached below her waist. Some strands were braided into thin braids and silver beads were woven into them. She noticed her eyes from a distance. They were so bright blue they seemed to glow. Dressed in a black dress embroidered with silver ornaments. A gentle breeze was blowing, which grew stronger with each passing second. It seemed as if it was not even touching her. Dragomira was a little jealous of her. She was jealous of the way she was looking at Cassius. The way she gently touches his shoulder. So confidential. And he allowed her to.

"Look who came to visit us, Cassius." spoke the stranger, a wide smile adorning her lips. "Your chosen queen."

"Who are you?" Dragomira wondered. "I don't know you yet."

Gods and Dark Creatures (Book 3)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα