CH. 15: Dragomira

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Dragomira nervously paced the opulent chambers of the royal palace, trying to think of what to say to King Ciaran to gain his help. What if he rejects her? She must not offend him, lest she become his prisoner. She could not afford to be a prisoner in Deira while Cassius was a prisoner of the Goddess of Chaos.

"You should calm down," Erebus told her. "We are guests. I'm not saying that there isn't a risk that they won't bind us with those chains again, but as long as we don't give them a reason, they will treat us with respect."

Dragomira sighed. "I cannot afford to remain a prisoner here."

"In that case, exploit his weakness for the shadow queen," Erebus remarked.

"Do you think he'll help me get to her?" Dragomira asked. "He is her husband after all. Surely he must know the way to her, even if they rule the neighboring kingdoms."

Erebus laughed. "The marriage is only a formality. It means nothing."

"What do you mean?" Dragomira didn't understand.

"King Ciaran, when he was still a prince, kidnapped Queen Amaya. She was forced into that wedding," he explained to her. "I'm not saying he doesn't love her, he's crazy about her, but she ran away the first chance she got. The Shadow King saved her from him."

"So he won't help me," stated Dragomira disappointedly. "He can't help me."

"Rather, he'll try to use us to get her back. He's hunting dark creatures to help him figure out how to kidnap her again." Erebus said. "He thinks the gods brought them together. That they are destined for each other."

"I can hardly help him. I need help myself," said Dragomira, more to herself than to Erebus.

She sat at the window and gazed at the landscape beyond. Deira was beautiful, she had to admit. Both the city and the palace were built of white marble, which glistened beautifully in the sunlight. Green plants grew everywhere. They bloomed in all the colors of the rainbow. The sweet scent of flowers wafted through the air. Her chambers were also beautiful. Breathtaking. Beautiful mosaics decorated the walls. Jasmine scented the air climbing up the columns holding up the vaulted ceiling. There was a pond in the middle of the reception lounge. Goldfishes were swimming in it.

But it wasn't her home. Her heart may have melted over this beautiful place, but she still longed for home.

King Ciaran invited Dragomira to dinner in private. He also had a dress brought to her. They were red, decorated with gold ornaments. They weren't like the dresses she was used to from home. They were loose, no corset was tightening her so tight she was losing her breath. It was unusual not to wear it. She felt too exposed without a corset. The maid braided her hair into elaborate braids and wove red flowers into them.

Royal guards in ornate uniforms ushered her into the dining room to see King Ciaran. Erebus was not allowed to keep her company. Dragomira was not given the opportunity to object.

The king was waiting for her arrival. He was dressed in the colors of his kingdom. Black suit decorated with gold ornaments. The rolled-up sleeves were red. He had a red cloak slung over one shoulder. His raven hair was decorated with a golden crown. He reminded her of Cassius when she looked at him, except for the white tips of his hair. She also saw the sadness written in the eyes of this young king, while there was always defiance in Cassius's.

"Queen Dragomira." he gallantly kissed the back of her hand like a true gentleman.

"King Ciaran." she bowed to him.

They sat down at a small, round table suitable for dinner for two. Its edges were richly carved. The room was illuminated by the soft light of candle flames. They danced with the breeze from the open window. In peace, without a word, they enjoyed the delicious dishes that the servants brought to the table.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I can't afford to waste time, and at dawn, I'll have to set out again with my companion." Dragomira finally broke the silence between them.

"How about I give you some help?" suggested King Ciaran.

"Why would you help me?" Dragomira asked him a question. "What's in it for you?"

"An excuse to come to Amorite," he replied.

"I heard you fell in love with their queen, Queen Amaya," Dragomira remarked.

"You must have heard the terrible stories of what happened between me and Queen Amaya. You must have been told that I kidnapped her and forced her into marriage and possibly worse things. I'm sure you've been told that the Shadow King is her savior, but don't let those sweet words fool you. He can deceive men and dark creatures, but he cannot rewrite the past." King Ciaran said.

Dragomira looked at him inquisitively. She couldn't read his stony gaze. She didn't know what to think of him. But one thing she knew was that there are two sides to every story. She herself once hated Cassius because of the stories that were told about him and where is he now? On a quest to save him because her heart refuses to live without him.

"So you're saying that what's being said about you is a lie and Queen Amaya isn't sitting on her throne willingly?" she asked him a question that sounded more accusatory than she intended.

"Voluntarily is quite a relative term," said King Ciaran, taking a sip from his wine glass. He did not take his bewitching gaze off her.

"So tell me, what do you think the truth is?" Dragomira challenged him.

"I'm not saying that everything is a lie. I admit that I kidnapped her. Our kingdoms were once at war. Amaya was the king's bride. I thought that if I brought her I would win my father's affection. I don't deny minor ulterior motives." he grinned. "But my father was angry. As punishment, he decreed that Amaya would become my wife."

"And now you're going to tell me that it was love at first sight, but fate didn't favor you, am I wrong?" laughed Dragomira.

"Not at all," King Ciaran corrected her. "She kept trying to run away. She even tried to kill me. And I tried to use her to get the crown. However, as time went on, we discovered that we are not so different."

"How were you not different?"

"We both come from families that hated us. Both of us only wanted power to prove to others that we are something more than they think we are. We had secrets we didn't want to tell anyone. We may have been forced into marriage, but we accepted each other out of the desire of our hearts. Before our wedding, Amaya managed to escape, but she voluntarily came back."

"So why isn't she here now and instead of that is sitting on the throne next to someone else?" Dragomira wondered with gnawed disbelief.

"And why isn't your king at your side?" he answered her in the same tone. "It is only because of her that I sit on the royal throne of Deira. I was dying and she sacrificed her own life to save me. The deal she made with the Shadow King keeps her away from me. Even if we don't end up together, I just want to repay my debt to her." he answered her question.

For a moment, a brief moment, a crack appeared in his mask. She saw the pain. She sympathized with him. The same pain he felt, she has felt since she lost Cassius. It's terrible to love someone and not be able to be with them. What suffering to be able to only desire someone.

"You really do love her," Dragomira remarked. It wasn't a question. She saw it in him.

"More than my own life," replied King Ciaran. "I'd sacrifice myself for her any time."

"And what is the price of accepting your offer?" Dragomira asked. Everything has its price.

"None," replied the king. "You're my way of getting to her."

"You've never tried that before?"

"I've been trying for thirty years."

Thirty years, that surprised Dragomira. She looked at the young king, who was looking no older than twenty years old, and yet the words came out of his lips that only thirty years he was already trying to return to his beloved. He was human, wasn't he? She didn't understand the magic that ruled this side of the Forest of the Dead.

"Amorite has closed the borders and their shadows are guarding them. You'll need my help to get to the Golden City anyway.''

Dragomira thought for a moment. "I accept your offer, King Ciaran," she said finally.

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