Let's not rush

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Lisa: hello, are you my brother's friends

Tina: hi, we are 

Lisa: Come in, he's in the house

Tina: thank you, you are so cute

She took us into the house 
Words cannot even describe how beautiful was inside

Taehyung: Welcome 

Jin: thanks bro

Lisa: I'll tell mom to prepare something for us to eat

she just ran into another room 

Tina: she is adorable, is she your sister

Taehyung: yes she is my sister

After some time we started to do the presentation

after a while I was bored, they got busy and I sneaked out to Lisa who was in the yard

Tina: Hi

Lisa: Hi

Tina: I'm Tina, what's your name

Lisa: I'm Lisa, and this is my dog yeontan

Tina: can i play with you

Lisa: you can, I'm bored anyway

we played and threw the ball to Yeontan, and we talked about her school and friends

Taehyung: Tina we need help

Tina: I am coming, Sorry Lisa I have to go

Lisa: ok but come again

I went to their place and helped them with the rest, and soon a woman came to us who was Taehyung's mother

Tae Mom: Hi guys, how are you

Jin: We are fine, how are you

Tina: Hello

Tae mom: I'm fine, dinner is ready 

Taehyung: let's go

he directed us to the kitchen, where there was a large table full of food

we ate together with his mother, sister and grandfather

Everyone is very kind, we talked about work and what we will do after school,his family is very rich his grandfather has his own company which will belong to him,his father died two years ago and since then all the burden fell on him

After eating, we have almost finished the entire presentation, we have one more to check and then send to the professor, mine will also be soon, almost everyone did their part from home and we need to get together and put everything together

Taehyung his mother and sister saw us off and called us to come again

On the way, we saw John drive past us and some girl was sitting next to him

Jin saw him too but didn't say anything

                            Next day

While I was at school I arranged with Jenni and Namjoon to go to the library and finish our presentation, and John asked me on another date and I agreed

During the day, I tidied up my room because it was a mess and then got ready  

During the day, I tidied up my room because it was a mess and then got ready  

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