Are you good

4 0 0

I immediately took a shower and it was very pleasant

I promised myself that I wouldn't cry and think about it anymore

I didn't really succeed in that

We weren't together but it still hurt

I was sleeping and felt someone touching my hair

That was my mum

Mum: are you ok dear

And Jin was there

Tina: Yes, I'm better now

Mum: I'm going to cut you some fruit

Mom went out but Jin stayed

He hugged me

Jin: I told you it would be like that

Tina: You don't comfort me with that

Jin: I know, I'm going to beat him up

Tina: Don't make yourself a problem

Jin: You are my sister, and he will not go without consequences

Tina: Don't do anything stupid

Jin: don't worry about me, and I don't want to see you cry because I'll beat you up too

Tina: Okay, I got it

I pushed him off the bed as if he would get out

Soon my mother bring me some fruit and after that Jenni and Namjoon came to my house

I enjoyed talking with them, they always know how to comfort me and make me laugh

after that Jin called us to eat

And to our surprise, Jin prepared for us to eat, which doesn't happen very often

Next day

It was the weekend, so I overslept

I took my phone and saw that I had a lot of messages from Jenni

Jenni: Look at this

She sent me a picture of how someone from a distance took a picture of John and his friends being beaten up, and there was even a video where they get up in pain

Underneath the picture was written Well done to whoever did this, they deserved it

I knew Jin did this but he couldn't beat 6 of them by himself

The first one I thought of was Namjoon

I called him and after a little longer conversation, he told me

This was done by Jin Tae and Namjoon

But they didn't take pictures

I felt happy and somehow calmer when I realized that I have so many people who love me

Also happy because they were beaten

I couldn't talk to Jin because he and dad went to work at grandma's again without me and my mother went to work

During the whole day, I rested, watched the series and ate, I was bored so I turned on the music and sang and danced

After a few minutes, I turned around and saw Tae standing at the door

I turned down the music so I could hear

Tina: Don't laugh

Tae: okay, okay, And why don't you lock the door when you're alone

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