Chapter Eighteen

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"Perhaps this was always how it was meant to turn out."
The Romantic Writings of O.P.B.S.

It was the final ball of the season and neither Olivia nor Ben wished to attend. However, the plans had been set and their outfits tailored for it to be so. It was hosted by none other than her grandmother, Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton, and it was to be the best of the season.

"Olivia, you must do all you can to prepare for tonight. It is your final opportunity to win a man's heart so that he will propose. However, I do confess I will miss you once you depart," her aunt said. "I hope you find all that your heart desires."

Olivia did not know what to say. She had put on all the right dresses, said the right words, and danced the right dances. It was not enough while the man she would always love was as far from her as the stars in the sky.

"Now, I do believe we should include a few diamonds for your final ball. It would only be proper for a lady to finish with decorum and pride." Daphne knew all too well what it took to put on a brave face for the ton. She had done so many years prior to deal with an unhappy marriage.

That brave face led to the best years of her lifetime with a husband she loved and five wonderful children.

"Have faith, dear child, and it will all work out the way it should." Daphne placed the diamonds on her neck and clipped to her ears and left without another word. They were beautiful, and Olivia knew that was true, but they were not her.

For the final ball before the season concluded, she wished to be herself. Her dress was the wrong colour—blue did not suit her well—and the diamonds were too gaudy. In a matter of moments, she stripped everything away, put a simple, green dress on (it still had a bit of sparkle and glamour, but significantly less than the light blue one that had more sparkle than fabric) and a string of pearls that held no value outside of the sentimental one she had given them.

Next, she pulled her hair from the elaborate updo and let her curls fall down her back. They still glittered from the sparkles her ladies' maid had put in them, but she did not mind. They did not make her feel less like herself. In fact, for the first time since Olivia had arrived in Mayfair, she truly and completely felt like herself.

It did not matter that she did not conform to the ton's high standards. If no one found her to be suitable, then she would find a man in Bloomsbury to love her for the rest of her life.

"Olivia, that is..." Daphne stared at her, as silent as she was astonished.

"It is wonderful. Let us depart to grandmama's," Caroline said and led them all to the carriage. Being members of the family, they were asked to arrive early by their grandmama. it would be a half hour before the start.

They arrived not too long after and entered the elaborately decorated house.

"It is so wonderful to see all of you." They all exchanged hugs. When Violet got to Olivia, she said, "I am sorry I have not been able to attend as many balls as I have in the past. I hope it has been a good experience for you. My hope for all of my children was to find love. It is my hope for all my grandchildren as well."

"Thank you, grandmama," Olivia said and let her continue to the last of the cousins before they began to prepare mentally for the night ahead.

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