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As sunlight poured into the room, Abhishek gently pulled the curtains aside, revealing Aarushi's peaceful face bathed in its golden glow. A tender smile graced his lips as he approached her, his heart swelling with love at the sight of his sleeping wife. They had arrived late at their honeymoon destination the previous night, and exhaustion had swiftly claimed her, sending her into a deep slumber as soon as she lay on the bed.

"Good morning, love," he greeted softly, leaning in closer to her.

Aarushi stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to meet his gaze. She greeted him with a warm smile and an air-kiss, her eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning, hubby," she murmured, reaching out to pull him into a loving embrace and pressing a tender kiss against his ear.

Abhishek returned her embrace, savoring the intimate moment shared between them. However, he gently reminded her of their plans for the day.

"Aarushi, come on, we're running late," he urged softly, his voice tinged with affection.

"Hmm," she murmured sleepily, nuzzling her face further into the soft blanket.

"Baby, please wake up. We have plans to go out. Remember, we're in Bali," he reminded her gently, his tone coaxing her back to wakefulness.

The mention of Bali seemed to jolt Aarushi awake, her eyes widening in realization as she sat up abruptly, the excitement of their honeymoon flooding back to her in an instant. With renewed energy, she quickly shook off the remnants of sleep, eager to embrace the adventures that awaited them in this tropical paradise.

Nishi was engrossed in watching a movie when a text from Rajat popped up on her phone, pulling her attention away from the screen.

"What's up?' it read.

She replied with a casual "Nothing much, just watching a movie."

Meanwhile, Nishi found himself contemplating whether to ask Rajat if he missed him or not. "What about you?"She typed out.

'Just drinking tea in the office,' came his response.

'So, you're missing me?' She teased, hoping to elicit a playful response from her.

To his surprise, Nishi's next move was unexpected. Before he could send another message, she initiated a video call.

"Nishi, I'm in the office," he answered, slightly taken aback by her spontaneous call, quickly assessing his surroundings to ensure privacy.

"I know, so what?" she retorted, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

"I mean, I'm in the office," he reiterated, stepping out of his cabin into the corridor for a more private conversation.

"And I'm your girlfriend," she declared, catching him off guard and causing him to jump, narrowly avoiding a collision with his assistant who was about to enter his cabin. Rajat quickly intercepted her and continued the conversation in the corridor, attempting to explain himself.

"What are you saying, Nishi?" he began, but she had already ended the call, clearly irked by his response.

"Stupid. Moron. Why did I even video call him?" Nishi muttered to herself, frustration evident in her tone.

Meanwhile, Rajat attempted to call her back, but she didn't pick up. He realized she was extremely annoyed with him, and he sighed, feeling a pang of regret for his actions. Hitting his head with his hand in frustration, he resolved to make things right.

As he composed himself, his assistant approached him, and he quickly put on a fake smile to mask his inner turmoil.

"Come in, what can I help you with, Ms. Gyaaneshwari Devi?" he addressed her, trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy.

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