Chapter 01: Poppycock!

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Nestled atop a hill and cradled by magnificent mountains, Dusk Town exudes a serene and tranquil charm. As the sun dips behind the rugged peaks, an amber glow spreads across the sky, casting an ethereal ambiance over the town.
A single path winds through Dusk Town, connecting its northern and southern entrances. This main thoroughfare, devoid of bustling streets or chaotic intersections, enhances the town's peaceful aura. Here, travelers and locals alike find solace, inspiration, and a place to call home, captivated by the town's idyllic setting.

*** North Entrance

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" a bandit barked.
"Damn you!" echoed another.
Their attempt to rob a shop near the town's entrance was abruptly halted by a young adventurer, Loot "Kazz" Kazzili'oh.
Seventeen years old, Kazz stood out with his amber eyes, dark skin, and slender build. His shoulder-length, black cherry-colored dreadlocks framed his face. He wore black baggy pants adorned with gold D-rings, pockets, and zippers, paired with a black shirt. Over this ensemble, he sported an open purple hooded jacket with white drawstrings, beige and white sneakers, and a purple bucket hat.
"Yeah! Ha! Ha! Looks like an exciting day for you guys," Kazz teased, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
"You punk! Who the hell are you?!" a bandit demanded.
"Call me Kazz. Still working on my introduction," he replied nonchalantly.
Before him stood the Polished Metal Bandits, notorious for their polished weapons and ruthless demeanor.
"Get lost, kid!" one sneered.
"I'd love to, but you seem to be up to no good," Kazz retorted, his grin widening.
A bandit stepped forward, "And what are you gonna do about it?"
"Ah, neat!," Kazz said, welcoming the challenge.
The bandits lunged at him, but their confidence quickly turned to horror as Kazz dispatched them with ease. Moments later, the once-feared bandits lay in a groaning heap.
"We won't forget this..." one wheezed.
"Yeah! Ha! Ha! You guys should protect this town instead of causing trouble. Might do you some good. Peace!" Kazz advised, leaving the scene.

*** The Poppycock Pub

That evening, Kazz wandered through town, his curiosity leading him to the Poppycock, a lively pub at the heart of Dusk Town. The establishment buzzed with energy as townies gathered to unwind and revel.
Warm lighting, wooden furnishings, and walls adorned with vibrant artwork depicting sunsets and joyous silhouettes greeted patrons. At the far end, the bar, where all the magic happened, was manned by the one and only Felix.
Felix, bald with a visible left brown eye and a scar over his right, cut an imposing figure. Despite his tall stature and big stomach, he exuded warmth and welcome, often seen in a white work shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, and a dirty black apron. He was known as a father figure to the pub's regulars.
"You lot better pay your tab before you skip on outta here!" Felix commanded.
"You got it, Felix! Just send some more drinks our way!" a drunk patron hollered back.
Felix expertly mixed drinks, serving a diverse selection from classic cocktails to local brews.
"Hey, barkeep! How about another round on the house?!" a bandit called out.
"You drank most of my stock. I don't have enough to serve you lot and my regulars," Felix replied, his patience thinning.
Another bandit persisted, "And when will the next shipment arrive?"
Felix smiled, "It won't until you scumbags pay your tab. Can't order more without the money."
A bandit growled, "What was that?! Hey boss! He insulted us!"
Notch, with a brown posh hairstyle, a white and green general cap, brown eyes, and a white scarf around his neck, dressed in a green uniform, light blue calf-long pants, a black belt, and brown slip-on shoes.
"Now, now. Let's be calm, gentlemen," Notch said, his voice smooth but menacing.
"But he basically insulted us, Notch! We can't allow that!" one bandit protested.
"And he'll get his due. But let me finish my drink," Notch replied, downing a barrel of wine. His men chuckled, knowing his capabilities.
"Barkeep, are you certain you're not hiding the good stuff?" Notch inquired.
Felix sighed, "I'm not hiding anything. Now shove off."
"He's pissing me off!" a drunk bandit fumed.
"Let us kill him, Notch. We can always find another bar," one suggested.
Notch, feet on the table, responded, "If there truly isn't anything left, we'll just have to burn this place to the ground."
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Felix warned.
"Oh, I would! Or have you forgotten I'm not a nice guy?" Notch retorted.
"You're a real bastard, you know that?" Felix spat.
"Nice to see everyone having fun," Kazz interjected, sitting at the bar.
Felix noticed the new face, "Kids aren't allowed in here."
"Not a problem if I don't drink, right?" Kazz countered.
"Right... What'll it be?"
"Got any tea?"
"Coming right up."
As Felix prepared Kazz's drink, the bandits grew more agitated.
"Who the hell is that kid? Does he know the age limit?" a bandit grumbled.
"Not only that, we're being ignored," another added.
Felix struck up a conversation, "Never seen your ugly mug before. You're not from around here, are you?"
"Nope. Just passing through. Heard this town was full of unique people. Had to see if it's true," Kazz replied.
"And what do you think so far?"
"Could be more exciting if you ask me."
"Poppycock! This is the best town in all the kingdom! Isn't that right, boys?!" Felix declared.
The patrons cheered, raising their mugs.
"I'll take your word for it," Kazz said, taking a sip of Felix's Honey Star Tea, "What is this elixir?"
"That's Felix's famous brew. Honey Star Tea. Cures any and all foul deeds from body and soul," a drunk patron explained.
"It's awesome... Almost as delicious as..." Kazz began.
"Hey now! Don't go finishing that statement, kid. My brew is the best there is. Ain't nothing better," Felix interrupted, drawing laughter from the crowd.
Kazz enjoyed his tea, "It's really good."
"Just sit there and enjoy yourself, kid. I'll look after you."
"No, thanks. I don't need your protection. You're talking to an adventurer here! Be careful, or you'll be sorry," Kazz warned.
"What did you just say, kid?" Felix asked, the pub falling silent.
A bandit broke the silence with laughter, "Who the hell does this kid think he is?!"
"He's got a wild spirit!" another added.
"Get back to sipping your tea! You ain't cut out to see the world!" the last one mocked.
"Can you guys keep it down, please?" Kazz shushed them, infuriating the bandits.
"What did you say?!" the drunk bandit fumed.
"You're in for a world of hurt, kid!" one threatened.
"Boys, boys! Let's calm down. He's just a child acting like an adult. He doesn't know any better," Notch said dismissively.
Suddenly, a chair flew across the room, striking Notch and knocking him out. The patrons erupted in laughter, praising Kazz.
"This kid's a riot!" a drunk patron exclaimed.
"Where'd you find this one, Felix?" another asked.
Felix, clutching his nailed bat, sighed, "And I was almost done cleaning."
"He should have kept his mouth shut," Kazz said.
"And YOU should have stayed in your seat," Felix countered.
"LET'S GO!!!" an impatient guy shouted.
The pub erupted into chaos. Tables flipped, chairs flew, and fists flew. Kazz watched in confusion as patrons laughed and fought.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!?" Kazz yelled.
"The Dusky Brawl..." Felix explained.
"The what?!"
"Whenever a chair is thrown, the entire household is given permission to start a brawl. It's tradition since the grand opening of the Poppycock, and I'm the reigning champ," Felix claimed, knocking patrons away with his bat.
"I take back what I said! This place is awesome!" Kazz declared.
"We know how to bring the fun to the extreme," Felix grinned.
"Hell yeah! Let me get in on this!" Kazz joined the fray.
"You're going to fit in just fine, kid," Felix chuckled.
In the chaos, the bandits huddled around their unconscious leader.
"Boss, wake up!" a bandit urged.
"What's with this town? Everyone here is crazy!" one exclaimed.
Notch stirred, "What happened?"
"That kid started it," a bandit pointed at Kazz.
"The kid..." Notch seethed, watching Kazz chokehold a drunk and punch him.
"What should we do, boss?" one asked.
"Get the others and raid this town," Notch ordered.
Suddenly, a wounded bandit stumbled in, collapsing at Notch's feet.
"What happened to you?" Notch demanded.
"We couldn't stop him... He took us all out..." the bandit gasped.
"Who? Who did this?" Notch pressed.
"Keep the tea coming!" Kazz called out, sipping his tea.
The wounded bandit pointed at Kazz, "Th-that's him! That's the guy right there!"
"WHAT?!?" Notch and the bandits stared at Kazz.
"Get him!" Notch commanded.
The bandits grabbed their weapons. Felix noticed Kazz getting up.
"Kid?" Felix called out.
"Leave this to me! I'll teach this runt a lesson," the drunk bandit declared.
"No worries. I got this," Kazz assured.
A bandit lunged at Kazz, sword held high. Kazz sprang forward, delivering a mad right hook, slamming the bandit into the floor. The brawl came to a complete stop as everyone witnessed what Kazz had done.
"WHAT?!?" Notch exclaimed.
"Yeah! Ha! Ha!" Kazz laughed.
"Kid... Who the hell are you?" Felix asked.
"Oh, that's right. I never introduced myself, did I?" Kazz faced the bandits, grinning.
"The name's Loot Kazzili'oh! And I'm an adventurer that's going to welcome the world with a festival of surprises!"

To Be Continued...

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