Chapter 03: Do You Knowhow?

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*** The Poppycock Pub

Morning light trickled into Felix's pub, casting long shadows across the wooden floorboards. Felix, the grizzled pub owner, wiped down the bar with a practiced hand, his mind still replaying the previous night's revelry. He glanced at a few of his regular patrons who had stayed behind to help clean up.
"What a night," Felix muttered, shaking his head. "You guys sure know how to give an old man some work."
A drunken laugh came from the corner. One of the patrons, still bleary-eyed, grinned at Felix. "It's because you put up with us," he slurred.
Felix raised an eyebrow. "Are you still drunk?"
Before the man could respond, the pub door burst open. An injured townsman, with a black eye and a busted lip, staggered in, panting heavily.
"Felix! Come quick! You have to hurry!" he gasped.
Felix dropped his rag and rushed over. "What's wrong? Don't tell me those bandits came back."
"Worse! Come quick!"

*** South Entrance of Dusk

By noon, Felix found himself at the North entrance of town, surrounded by a group of anxious townspeople. The air was thick with tension and curiosity. Faces etched with worry and confusion turned toward the commotion.
"Try stopping me, you punks!" a voice roared from the center of the crowd.
Felix pushed through, his eyes widening in disbelief. There, amidst the chaos, stood Kazz, their town's savior. His face was flushed with determination as he fought off the townspeople desperately trying to stop him from leaving.
"Why are you getting in my way?!" Kazz shouted, frustration evident in his voice.
"Why are you trying to leave?!" a townsman countered.
A concerned woman with a missing tooth approached Felix. "He's been like this all morning. We've tried to reason with him, but..."
Felix surveyed the scene, his eyes landing on the beaten townsfolk scattered on the ground. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.
"Enough!" Felix's voice carried authority and compassion. The crowd parted as he approached the irritated Kazz.
"You too?" Kazz challenged, his eyes locking onto Felix's.
Felix stopped right in front of him, placing a reassuring hand on Kazz's shoulder. "Thought you could leave without saying goodbye, huh?"
Kazz hesitated. "Uh...yeah. That's the plan."
Felix smiled, his eyes twinkling with understanding. "You better kick ass out there."
Kazz blinked in surprise. "Say what now?"
The townspeople, nodding in agreement, rallied behind Felix. Their hearts filled with respect and admiration for Kazz.
"Thank you for saving our home," an older man spoke up, his voice trembling with gratitude. "We couldn't have done it without you."
Kazz looked around, confused by their sudden change in heart. "You guys were just trying to stop me from leaving."
Felix chuckled. "Had to make sure we said our farewells before you disappeared on us."
The townspeople gathered closer, their expressions warm and appreciative.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get your ass going already!" an impatient man called out.
"Don't want to keep the world waiting, do you?" added the wise wino, raising his cup in a toast.
Felix stepped forward, his voice carrying above the crowd. "Hey kid! Mind telling us who you are one last time?"
Kazz looked up at the sky, then back at the people with a broad grin. "Yea! Ha! Ha! The name's Loot Kazzili'oh! I'm going to welcome the world with a festival of surprises!"
The townsfolk erupted in cheers, their voices echoing with pride and hope. Felix stood at the forefront, watching with a mix of pride and nostalgia.
"Good luck, kid! You got this!" Felix called out.
"We'll be rooting for you! Come back and pay us a visit once you make it!" the wise wino added.
And with that, Kazz left Dusk Town, each step he took unknowingly etching his name into history.

*** Dirt Path

A few days later, as the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the vast landscape, a young mercenary named Rookie Roo Van Gelder trudged down a dirt path.
"Been a long journey," he muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Should be reaching the next town soon."
Rookie Roo, with his captivating and rebellious appearance, possessed hazel eyes and long, dark grey hair styled in a messy spiked fashion with one side shaved. He wore faded black jeans and a jacket held by two leather belts, a grey tucked-in shirt, and round spectacles with light grey lenses. Black combat boots and leather gloves completed his look. An incense stick, smelling of cedarwood, was always perched between his lips.
Suddenly, a groan and rustling sound pierced the tranquility. Roo's heart skipped a beat. His hand instinctively reached into his jacket.
"Whoever is out there, you better make yourself known," he called out, his voice steady.
Cautiously, Rookie Roo approached the source of the noise. His foot caught on an unseen obstacle, causing him to stumble forward. Regaining his balance, he turned to see what had tripped him. His eyes widened in terror as he beheld a sight that sent chills down his spine.
Moments later, Kazz sat beside Rookie Roo on the side of the dirt path. The young adventurer had downed an entire fillet of fish and emptied a canteen of water, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
"Yea! Ha! Ha! Thanks for the save! Another minute and I would have been a goner," Kazz said, wiping his mouth.
Rookie Roo shrugged. "Whatever. That fish was going bad anyway. You did me a favor."
Kazz's eyes widened in horror. "Say what now? I'm not going to die, am I?"
"If you did, you only have yourself to blame."
"Wow... I take back my words. I'm not thankful."
"And I don't care. Now get lost before you piss me off even more."
"No can do. I owe you one," Kazz insisted, standing up.
"What?" Roo's irritation was growing.
"You helped me, so it's only fair I help you."
"Pass," Roo retorted, getting back on the path and pressing on. But Kazz followed right behind him, much to his annoyance.
"Why are you following me?" Roo snapped.
"I'm actually heading this direction. But since we have the same destination, we might as well travel together."
"Please no," Roo groaned, picking up his pace, only for Kazz to match it.
"Are you in a hurry? Do you know where the next town is? Also, who are you?"
Roo stopped abruptly, facing Kazz with a glare. "I have this nagging feeling that you won't leave me alone until you repay the favor, correct?"
"Something like that, yeah," Kazz replied with a grin.
Roo sighed in disbelief and continued on his way. "I'm heading for Knowhow."
Kazz's eyes lit up. "Knowhow?"
"It's a merchant trading town. I have business there."
"Neat! Sounds like a thrilling adventure. I'll tag along until we get there. I'll be your personal bodyguard."
"Lucky me," Roo muttered sarcastically.
"You can call me Kazz."
"Don't care," Roo responded curtly.

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