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I fiddled around with my pencil. Thinking about anything else I could write from M.O.M...This job already has so much complicated things.

I heard chaos going on down in the portal area. I didn't know what was happening,but I wanted to.

I put the papers and letters down and rushed down the stairs. I stopped in the hall,before getting to the portal room.

Michelle appeared behind me. She was just as confused as I.
"What's happened now?" She asked going towards the door into the room.
"no idea." I responded. "wish I knew." I walked over to where she was and opened the door.

To my surprise,I saw nearly everyone on there. I was greeted by Shiloh,worriedly as she grasped me and Michelle's hand,leading us to the crowd.

She coughed into her arm. And looked through her equipment before going to a microphone and talking  into it.

"Hello? Yes. So,as all of you know,there's a dangerous mission happening. We are only allowed to take the best duo. Me and Elijah have debated on it,someone brought up Michelle and Micah. I've decided,just to make M.O.M angry,I will include a third. The third will be teleported away from the two,so no suspicion rises. We've selected four. Which we will disguise two as these monsters.
We chose Michelle and Micah as the 'monster' few,
We chose Shiloh and Elijah as the alive few.
We just need to make it out alive. Got it? Our mission is to reach the paper left by Bob Owens." After her long speech,she looked at me and Michelle. With a little smile on her face,reassuringly. Elijah rushed over and prepared the portal.
"good luck." Michelle whispered to me.

We stepped in,lights flickering past me as Michelle reached for my hand. To admit,I was scared.

I shivered while the teleportation happened. Afterwards. My body crumbled and I fell the floor sickishly. Michelle stood over me,and taunted me.

"aww,what's the matter little one?" Michelle grinned at me.
I felt so offended. I attempted to raise so I could sit,and looked up at her.
"I'm fine you dwarf. Just that stupid teleport thing made me sick." I responded,confirming her question.

I rose to my feet and looked beyond the dark hall. I searched the little bag I hadn't notice I'd been wearing,sorta an old fashioned color,with a brown leather bag and brown boots. Michelle was similar,a darkish pink with a black leather bag,and black boots.

Michelle reached into her bag and grabbed a working flashlight.
"How'd I work it?" She wondered.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know how to use this."
"it's a flashlight,Michelle."
I grabbed the light and turned it on.
"Hold it." I ordered.

We walked steadily among the long halls,which felt never ending. I felt noises around me,god,I was shivering.
My eyes stayed in the light,not trying to see the dark. I swallowed,and cleared my throat.
"Uhh...SHILOH?! ELIJA-" I started to say,panicking.
Michelle patted my back in signal for me to shush.

We walked down the halls for some more time till I saw something trample Michelle. I turned around quickly and reached my bag startled.
A sword was in my hand.
I held it up shaking when I heard a gunshot.
To my surprise,I'd found Shiloh and Elijah.
They were with some unexpected guest.

I helped Michelle up and we looked at Shiloh and Elijah.
I felt a tight hug on me.

"I didn't save ya,that was her." I pointed to Shiloh and Michelle dragged me over to them both and hugged her.

"This is gonna be a longer Journey that we uh thought." Shiloh said,scratching her head nervously.
"There's stuff around here,we haven't identified it."
Elijah began to say,looking at a pile of trash gathered up by a door that said 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' which looked like 'E P. EEES Y'

"and it's going to be hard..."

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