beneath of the shillong sky

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This is the first chapter of the story whispering shillong by me Riya Deka and I hope you will love this story as a writer I'll try to publish next part soon.

The humid Assam air clung to Drishti Sharma like a second skin as she hurried across the
sprawling Gauhati University campus. Law school was a pressure cooker, but nothing could
dampen Drishti's fiery spirit. That was until a burst of laughter, like wind chimes in a summer
breeze, cut through the monotony. Across the crowded courtyard, Drishti's gaze landed on
Sreya Singh. With her mane of dark curls and a smile that could light up a room, Sreya was
a whirlwind of energy. An instant friendship blossomed, forging a bond that transcended
years and miles. They were sisters by choice, confidantes who shared secrets whispered
under starlit skies and dreams scribbled on worn notebooks.Years later, Sreya, now a successful lawyer in Shillong, called Drishti with a case that
crackled with intrigue – embezzlement at a prestigious firm. But as Drishti delved deeper, the
case morphed into something far more sinister. Sreya, ever the optimist, brushed aside
Drishti's growing unease. But one starless Shillong night, a phone call shattered Drishti's
world. Rushing to the scene, she found Sreya sprawled lifelessly beside a mangled car, a
single Cartier earring glinting beside her still hand.
Grief, raw and primal, clawed at Drishti. But amidst the pain, a steely resolve solidified.
Sreya wouldn't be another statistic. Drishti would find her killer. Her investigation led her to
Veer Singh, Sreya's enigmatic brother. A pillar of the Shillong community, Veer helmed a
sprawling business empire. Yet, whispers of mafia connections clung to him like shadows.
Meanwhile, in the opulent confines of the Singh mansion, Yash Singh, Veer's younger
brother, watched Drishti's relentless pursuit with a mix of apprehension and a strange sense
of admiration. Yash bore the weight of a past etched in tragedy. Orphaned at a young age,
he fiercely guarded his only remaining family – Sreya. He saw the flicker of Sreya's spirit in
Drishti's determined eyes, the same unwavering love he felt for his sister.
Unknown to Drishti, Yash, shrouded in secrecy, was the muscle behind Veer's seemingly
legitimate businesses. He knew the darkness that stained his brother's world, a darkness
that claimed Sreya's life. Torn between loyalty and a burgeoning respect for Drishti, Yash
made a heart-wrenching decision. He had to protect Drishti from the very world he inhabited.
One night, under the cloak of darkness, Yash whisked Drishti away, a captive in a gilded
Drishti woke to find herself a prisoner in a luxurious room, the view overlooking the majestic
Shillong hills a cruel mockery of her captivity. Yash, his face etched with a struggle between
duty and something more, revealed the truth about Sreya's death and his mafia ties. Drishti's
outrage was laced with a flicker of betrayal – Sreya, her confidante, had kept a world of
As days turned into weeks, a strange dynamic emerged. Drishti, with her fiery spirit,
challenged Yash's cynicism. Yash, in turn, was drawn to her unwavering determination. They
argued, debated, shared stories of Sreya, piecing together the fragments of her life. A
grudging respect blossomed into a cautious empathy, then an undeniable spark. Yet, the
weight of their pasts loomed large. Drishti craved justice for Sreya, a truth that could shatter
Yash's world. Yash yearned to protect Drishti, even from himself.Beneath the Shillong sky, a love story unfolds amidst the pursuit of vengeance. Will Drishti
expose the truth, unraveling the Singh empire and risking Yash's world? Can Yash break
free from the shadows to protect Drishti, or will their love be a casualty in the pursuit of
justice? As their paths converge, they will discover that the line between love and vengeance
can blur as easily as the mist rolling down the Shillong hills, and the choices they make will
echo far beyond the city's embrace.

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