That night in shillong

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The silence of Shreya's luxurious apartment hung heavy, punctuated only by the rhythmic tick of the grandfather clock. Moonlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting an ethereal glow on the opulent furnishings. Shreya, dressed in a comfortable silk robe, paced the plush carpet, a frown creasing her brow.  The unease that had been simmering for days had finally bubbled over.

The case files sprawled across her coffee table were a stark contrast to the elegance of the room.  Documents detailing the politician's suspicious investments lay open, each page a testament to Shreya's growing conviction.  She had stumbled upon something sinister, a web of corruption that threatened to engulf the city's financial heart.  But the deeper she dug, the more the danger gnawed at her.  The chilling encounter with the politician echoed in her mind, his veiled threats a stark warning.

Despite the fear gnawing at her, Shreya couldn't ignore the call to justice.  She was a fighter, a champion for the underdog, and she wouldn't back down now.  Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders, her resolve hardening.  She would expose the truth, no matter the cost.

A sudden, jarring rap on the apartment door shattered the quiet.  Shreya froze, her heart hammering against her ribs.  The unexpected visitor sent a jolt of unease through her.  She peered cautiously through the peephole.  The shadowy figure on the other side was unfamiliar, his face obscured by the dim hallway light. 

Hesitation warred with her sense of duty.  A part of her screamed to ignore it, to retreat to the safety of her bedroom and wait for the unwelcome visitor to leave.  But Shreya, ever the optimist, believed in the inherent goodness of people.  Perhaps it was someone in need, someone she could help.

Against her better judgment, she cracked the door open a sliver, her hand instinctively reaching for the pepper spray tucked in the pocket of her robe.  "Can I help you?" she asked, her voice laced with a tremor of apprehension.

The figure pushed forward, the momentum easily overcoming Shreya's resistance.  He was a large man, his movements practiced and efficient.  Before Shreya could react, he was inside, the door slamming shut with a sickening thud.  Panic surged through her, a primal scream rising in her throat.

A desperate struggle ensued.  Shreya, fueled by adrenaline, fought back with a ferocity that surprised even herself.  Furniture toppled over with a crash, lamps clattered to the floor, showering the room with shards of glass.  Shreya clawed at her attacker's face, her kicks landing with surprising force.  She screamed for help, hoping against hope that someone, anyone, would hear her pleas in the quiet night.

But the luxurious apartment complex was notorious for its soundproof walls.  The muffled sounds of the struggle wouldn't reach a single soul.  The attacker, relentless and far stronger, over powered her.  A sickening crunch echoed through the room as Shreya's head slammed against the solid marble coffee table.  The world spun, stars exploding behind her eyelids.

Through the haze of pain, she saw a glint of metal – a knife, its purpose chillingly clear.  With a final, desperate gasp, Shreya tried to form words, to plead for her life, to expose the truth she had been so close to uncovering.  But only a choked sob escaped her lips.

The darkness closed in, suffocating and final. But it wasn't over.  In a final, brutal act, the attacker grabbed Shreya's unconscious form and dragged her towards the balcony, the city lights twinkling far below.  With a sickening shove, he sent her hurtling over the railing.

Drishti's phone vibrated on the nightstand, the insistent buzzing a stark contrast to the silence that had settled over her apartment. Sleep, a distant memory, clung to the edges of her consciousness, but the weight of grief kept her wide awake.  With a trembling hand, she answered the call.......

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