A Dark part

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The mirrored dressing room pulsed with the frantic energy of a Saturday night. Shreya, a vision in emerald sequins, expertly flicked on a final layer of mascara. Tonight, she was Emerald Phoenix, rising from the ashes of a bad relationship. 

Raaj, once her confidant and stage partner, hovered nearby, his eyes a storm cloud over his flamboyant costume. The break-up had been brutal, his possessiveness morphing into something dark and unsettling. 

"Shreya," Raaj hissed, his voice tight. "We need to talk." 

Shreya glanced at him, a flicker of unease crossing her features. "It's showtime, Raaj. We can chat later."

Raaj's hand clamped onto her wrist, a vice grip that sent a jolt of fear through her. Emerald Phoenix might have been fierce, but Shreya, underneath the glitter, was still vulnerable.    

Just then, the club owner, Roxy, burst into the room, her face pale. "Shreya, honey, trouble. Some politician's goons are looking for you."

Shreya's blood ran cold. A year ago, she'd testified against a corrupt politician, Max Thompson.  Max, now deceased, had a reputation for silencing those who crossed him. 

Before Shreya could react, Raaj's grip tightened. He leaned in, his voice a low growl. "This is why we need to talk, darling. I have a way to keep you safe." 

His words set off alarm bells. "Let go, Raaj!" Shreya struggled, but his strength was almost inhuman.   

"Trust me," Raaj whispered, a manic glint in his eyes.

Suddenly, the door splintered open. Two burly men, faces etched with menace, shoved their way in. Before Shreya could scream, a heavy object connected with her head. Darkness swallowed her whole. 


Raaj carried Shreya, a limp doll, down a dark alley. His mind was a twisted kaleidoscope. He couldn't lose Shreya, not after all he'd done. He'd overheard the goons talking about a "hit" put out by Max's widow. 

He remembered a childhood legend, a mythical flower called "Prevage" said to possess the power of eternal love. He'd become obsessed, convinced it was the key to winning Shreya back. Now, desperation fueled his actions. 

Reaching an abandoned warehouse, he laid Shreya on a dusty crate.  He rummaged through his bag, pulling out a vial filled with shimmering liquid. It wasn't Prevage, but a potent narcotic he'd blackmailed a shady doctor for.

He held the vial to Shreya's nose, a silent apology forming in his throat. This wasn't what he intended, but it had to be done. She'd be safe here, asleep, until he found Prevage and brought her back.

As he prepared to leave, a noise sent shivers down his spine. A figure emerged from the shadows, Roxy, her face etched with fury.

"What have you done, Raja?" she roared, throwing a wrench into his twisted plan.

A struggle ensued, desperate and furious. In the chaos, the vial shattered, showering Raaj and Shreya with the narcotic liquid. The world dissolved into hazy confusion before Raaj succumbed to its effects.


Days later, Raaj awoke in a sterile hospital room. Police officers flanked him, their faces grim. Shreya, they informed him, hadn't made it. The autopsy revealed the narcotic overdose, his fingerprints on the vial. 

Raaj's world shattered.  His twisted plan, fueled by possessiveness and a delusion, had resulted in tragedy. He'd become the monster he feared. 

The trial was swift. "Psychotic ex-boyfriend" screamed the headlines. Raaj sat through it all, a broken shell, haunted by the emerald vision of Shreya, his actions forever bound to the memory of the night he became the villain, not the protector, of his former love.

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