Chapter 3 : They're Back

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"The Volturi are back."

"I know." Bella said.

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me?!" Edward asked her.

"Because, only my mind will be safe from Aro." she answered.

Edward looked dumbfounded. When he finally got his senses back, he hurried to the phone and told Bella to get Renesmee ready to leave. He then called his sister, Alice.

"Alice, how long have you been keeping that from us?" he asked angrily.

Edward, you wouldn't be safe. Alice told him.

"Ugh! You're lucky it's not time to argue! Can you see how far Aro and the Volturi are?" Edward asked.

They're really close to your house. Get Renesmee out and come here. Alice warned.

"We can't Alice! We can't! Bella told Jacob to come here as fast as he could, and she called Rose and told her to come here with all of you! Where are you?!"

What? Rosalie didn't say anything... Edward, I'll go get them. We're coming! Alice said, and hang up.

Edward ran to Renesmee's room. "Are you done packing?" he asked Bella.

"Yes Edward. Is everything okay? You sounded really worried on the phone." Bella said.

"Rosalie didn't even bother to talk to the family!" said Edward, looking at Bella's worried face. Then he added, "Everything is going to be alright. I called Alice and she said they're coming." Bella's expression seemed to relax a little.

"Dad, someone's at the door." Renesmee spoke up.

"Wh-what sweetie?" Edward asked.

"The bell rang." she answered.

"Bella... Stay here." Edward told her and went to check the door.

He walked to the hall, and peeked a little through the door eye.

He sighed in relief and opened the door. "Come in. It's not safe out there."

The Cullens went inside the house, and Esme was the first to speak. "Where's Bella and Renesmee?" she asked Edward.

"Renesmee's room. Follow me." he said and headed to Renesmee's bedroom.

When Bella saw Rosalie, she was furious. "What the hell Rose?!"

"I'm... I'm so sorry... I... I thought it was some kind of sick joke... So I... Decided not to tell them..." Rosalie said.

"Rose, why would Bella ever joke about this?!" it was Edward's turn to speak.

"I... I don't know... I-"

"It's my fault!" Esme interrupted. "I shouldn't have let Rosalie answer the phone... She's... Really messed up lately..." she said.

Then, Carlisle stepped in. "Look, we don't have time for accusations right now! We need to focus! Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane and Alec, are probably pretty close to the house. Bella, have you told anyone else to come here?"

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