Dream light: Is There A Story?

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I woke up...
It felt like it's been forever and a half. But I finally woke up. Was that an achievement? Something to be proud of?

Okay...first of all; let's consider a fact here...I pan around my surroundings and it's obvious I'm in a hospital.

Why is it obvious you ask? Well because of the wires and tubes that invaded, and conquered, the entire breath of my body. This damn machine was helping me breathe.

Oh, also there was a doctor, and a nurse, and my fucken father...where were you for the last 4 years, and a lawyer...why is there a lawyer.

Then everything fell into a picture painted perfect for all the wrong reasons. It was that Demon guy from earlier.

The one who showed up at work.

I tried to remember what happened after we 'ran' 'into' 'each' 'other' but nothing came to mind. My mouth moved for words to present themselves to no avail...

"You've been in a coma for three years and six months."

Hearing the news from him was...an experience...


The insides of my mind rang with echoes erupting from every corner of the room. I really couldn't speak even if I wanted to. I had this realisation as I began having a seizure. I knew it was one because that's how mom died.

Dad was the first one who rushed over. His cold brisk hands felt rough on my cheek and forehead....

The doctor was next. Everything faded to black after that.

Allegedly I woke up 6 days later. Crazy part is may dad was gone...how...in the....

I blocked the words and the tears that followed.

Same old same old...

The guy was there....holy shit....he's in the room with me.




"You got your voice back that's good for you."

...what...he did not just...

"You did this didn't you."

"You are upset...I should leave."

The fuck you mean leave...sit back down I have questions!!

"Don't go...please." Why say please you dumbass...

"Fine...listen, I can explain but last time I opened my mouth; you had a seizure. Let's just say you've been as much fun as a pet brain tumour..."

Fuck you've almost died.

"...look my point is..listen...Why are you mean mugging me?"

"Because you are one hundred percent asshole." I finally let him know.

"A real asshole would leave you here. Peace out I guess..."

He turned on his heels and proceeded to walk out without looking back. Have a good life he said.

Six hours after that a nurse came in. She was shocked to find me awake. She immediately ran to my bed and rang the button thingy. So basically he didn't inform anyone that my condition had changed.

Wow...he really did that.

After some time, the doctor sat down beside me and explained everything. You see, the so called 'demon race' are simply people who live with a curse cast on the entire family. A generational curse.

These curses can and will affect the people that surround them. I began to cry uncontrollably cry underneath my breath as he told me that since I fell head over heels for him when I saw him; his curse, which is that any woman that takes interest in him will go through hell and back to be with him.

Some bullshit that happened with an aunt of his...why does it have to affect me. The doctor explained how my boss tried to take legal action by suing the guy for... 'assaulting' me.

Can't really be considered assault because the curse only works based on the other person not on the guy himself. They even brought examples to the court room to demonstrate in extreme detail how it works.

He won the case and even counter-sued for the deed to the shop. He was granted the deed because the judge began to fall under the curse and wrapped things up quickly.

This prick is a walking, talking get out of jail card. My emotions were manipulated and peaked completely overwhelming my peripheral nervous system.

This combined with my overall health and non-wellbeing, caused a three year coma. When I woke up six days ago, they were discussing cutting off my life support.

That's why my dad was here. I guess he is the last one left who brought me into this world, only right that he's involved in taking me out of it.

The doctor's voice brought my warily wondered mind back to the room my body was breathing in.

"Madam Noctraz...would you happen to know when your husband might be returning."

"Me husband?"

"Yes Madam. Sir Noctraz."

That demon Married me when I was in a coma...

Mother fu...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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