CHAPTER 9: The past never fade

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Finally, he took a deep, shuddering breath, tears of exhaustion and despair staining his cheeks as he lay there, utterly spent.


California, 1997, 12th November

Camillo strolled down the street with his friend, their intentions clear - to pickpocket a well-dressed man buying fruit from a vendor. As they chatted, his friend whispered, "Cami, on my signal, you'll take his wallet, okay?" Camillo nodded, preparing for the cue. When the signal came, Camillo slipped behind the man while his friends distracted him. With a swift movement, Camillo swiped the wallet from the man's pocket.

Before Camillo could make his escape, the man realized his wallet was missing and fixed him with a furious gaze. "Thief! Help! Pursue him!" the man bellowed. Camillo and his friends sprinted away, with the man and others in pursuit. They split up, Camillo turning into a side street, accidentally colliding with a girl.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" the girl snapped, brushing herself off. Camillo, feeling guilty, extended his hand to help her up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologized, momentarily captivated by her beauty.

The girl, annoyed, retorted, "Of course, next time, make some noise or scream so everyone will be aware of your storming passage." Camillo couldn't help but laugh, charmed by her sassiness. "You fool... why are you laughing at me?" she asked, surprised by his reaction.

Camillo, suddenly turning on the charm, gestured elegantly, acting like a gentleman. "Miss, if I may know your name, I would be the happiest man in the world," he said, his gaze fixed on her. She chuckled, then relented, "Alright, I'm Anna," offering a soft smile.

Excitedly, Camillo introduced himself, "I'm Camillo." Just as they were getting acquainted, a man's voice interrupted, "He went this way! Follow me!" Camillo, realizing his pursuer was closing in, asked urgently, "When will I see you again?"

With a hint of mystery, Anna replied, "It seems like you've gotten yourself into troubles.... We'll meet if it's meant to be." Camillo, hearing the man approach, said quickly, "I hope so," then dashed off into the distance.

Back to the present , California, 15th August 2015,

As Camillo lay on the ground, thinking the task was over, he relaxed for a moment until Matthiew's voice cut through the air. "Lazy bird, it's not done yet, so don't relax yet," Matthiew chided, pouring whisky into his empty glass. "Stand up. There are still questions you need to answer."

Exhausted, Camillo lazily glanced at the table, sighing loudly before taking a deep breath. "What is your gain by doing this to me?" he asked, his voice filled with weariness.

Matthiew mocked him, replying, "What our advantage is, is none of your business. Just continue your task already, and we will be done with it."

Camillo crawled back to the table, taking breaks now and then due to his exhaustion. Finally, he reached the table, unable to stand up. He slowly searched for the paper, his hand trembling with fatigue. When he found it, he read the question aloud, "What's your biggest obsession?"

Camillo sighed, looking up with a sense of longing in his eyes. "Since I met my wife, her smile never fades from my memory. I would do anything just to see that smile again."

California, 22nd December, 1997,

On the night of December 22nd, 1997, Camillo stood outside Anna's window, throwing stones to get her attention. "Anna!" he called in a hushed voice, hoping not to wake her father. Anna finally opened the window, but not before one of Camillo's stones hit her on the head. "Ouch!" she exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. "Camillo, you're so clumsy!" she scolded him from the window.

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