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ALL I COULD HEAR WERE COGS SHIFTING, SCREECHING OF RUSTY HINGES, AND THE SMELL OF TAR MIXED WITH OIL. My eyes shot open instantly. My hands flew around, trying to grip anything, I could only feel cold hard metal grates against the leather fingerless gloves on my hands. I coughed violently, some liquid coming out of my throat as I rolled onto my arms and legs.

Where was I? Who was I? The same question raced in my head over and over, I wanted to cry. I rolled back onto my butt.

My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. I could make out a few crates, barrels and a small wooden crate with a piece broken off of it. All of the barrels had bold words imprinted onto them in white: "W.C.K.D."

I could make out a red light above me and it was blinding, was I descending into Hell? Of course not, I'm moving up, what a stupid idea. I didn't do anything that wrong did I..

Whatever I was on was lifting me up somewhere, and every now and then I could hear bleats of a goat.. I crawled towards a tarp and pulled it up, immediately hopping back once said animal bleated at me.

What if I try kicking the walls? It seems stupid but its worth a sho—

Just when I thought that, the box abruptly came to a halt and something in the gears made the hatch over top of me slide open, bright lights projected on me. A few shadows covered the light, peeking inside.

"It's a girl?" A voice said in a confused tone.

"What's she look like?"

Another voice called, "Are you sure you're not seeing things?"

"Let me see!"

"It's official, we're all going crazy here." I picked up a wooden plank that was near me.

A boy with shaggy blonde hair, around the age of fourteen, fifteen? He hopped down into the box I was in, I defensively darted up and staggered away from him, pointing the plank at him, which would probably do nothing.

"Ooh, so scary." One of the voices from up top mocked, clearly not taking me seriously.

The boy spoke with a British accent, he patted himself down showing he had nothing on him, "Slow down there, uh, Greenie? Greenette?" What was this guy saying?

I recoiled in confusion for a second, "What?" My voice was hoarse from coughing, I gulped. "No wait, where am I?"

"Let me start by welcoming you to the Glade." He awkwardly stated.

I dropped my plank and it clattered onto the metal grating which looked like it gave him some security.

Then, I immediately shoved the boy in the stomach with my elbow, making him double-over in pain. I huffed and climbed out of the box, pushing past the remaining boys surrounding me and quickly scanning the "Glade."

I saw a large opening between some concrete walls, I immediately sprinted into them. I completely disregarded any calls that were made to me, almost getting tackled in the process. All I knew was that I had to get out.

THERE IS NO SECOND PLACE // MINHO, THE MAZE RUNNER ★Where stories live. Discover now