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ヾ₊˚. ᎒ CHAPTER 1 彡




Speaking about Newt, it had turned out he was a Runner, which surprised me, the day he took me on the tour was his off-day and he was just helping out around the Glade. So, I was pretty bummed out I wouldn't be able to see him the whole day.

I'm pretty sure he was running with the boy from yesterday. Strong arms, black hair. He told me his name, but I was blanking out on it. Ah, Minho. From what I heard about him, some people described him as playful and lighthearted. While others said he was rude and bashful. (I didn't know where I stood in this crowd, yet.) All I knew was that everyone respected him either way.

—Anyways, Newt (and at times Alby,) were a part of only people I trusted in this mess. They scheduled for me to try being a "Track-Hoe" for the day.

I would definitely not say it aloud but the job was pretty tedious and boring. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy though, at the same time it was peaceful. Mainly I would prune the vegetables and plants, place a few squash and cucumber seeds. Occasionally I would get the chance to harvest some fresh herbs/vegetables and have to pick out a few weeds.

Sure, it was an easy job, but it didn't feel interesting enough. Something inside me felt like it needed more excitement. I wanted to feel some sort of thrill.

On the plus side, the boy who helped me, Zart, was pretty helpful. He wasn't apart of the talkative type, but he was willing to answer any questions I had, unlike the other Gladers who got defensive when I asked or even worse, told me not to worry my "pretty little" head about it.

Gosh, I hate teenage boys.

He told me a fact that scared me a bit. Like, during my break he led me to a weed-infested area that had rough patches of dirt messily patted down, saying that it was a lost Glader. He said something about a boy named George.

At the time, there was only one tomb. I wondered how many more would be added.

I turned to look at Zart, he had a solemn look on his face.

"Sometimes I come here to just clean this place up. He deserves the best, y'know?" He said to me. "Haven't had the time to this past week, but hopefully I can come tomorrow." He huffed before spinning on his heel and walking away, "Well, breaks over. Chop chop, Greenie."

I followed closely behind him. George. The name suddenly appeared in my head again. I could remember something, but it came as a quick as a flash of lightning.

A boy. Begging. It all stopped, I hit the boy with a hilt of a gun. I let out a gasp in terror.

You did well, Y/N. A lady's voice echoed as his body was dragged to a tube.

"Greenie? You alright?" Zart turned to look at me.

I shook my head and waved him off, "I'm just great."

Definitely after being told where a dead person is buried and abruptly getting hit with a gruesome memory like a freight train. Just great. Is what I wanted to say.

I hastily told him my name instead. Before following it with a "By the way."

"Y/N?" He repeated in confusion as if he was asking me to elaborate.

I fidgeted, "It's my name. Never mind, what're we doing next?" I didn't know how I should feel, but I definitely didn't want to tell him what else I just remembered.

"O-kay then. Follow me." He broke into a steady paced jog, beckoning for me to head back to our station.

Once I was done for the day, I immediately took a shower.


Zart and I sat together during dinner as he gave me pointers about living in the Glade.

"So basically everyone has one job?" I tried to clear up,
scrunching my face up at the taste of Frypan's casserole, it could really use some seasoning..

Zart shook his head no. "Nope, but pretty close. Every Glader has at least two or more jobs. We don't have enough people so sometimes we gotta do side-work. Though, the job you get chosen for is usually your number one priority." He corrected.

My mouth dropped and formed an 'O' shape.

"Earning brownie points with the Greenie, aren'tcha, Zart?" A gloved hand patted Zart's shoulder. I looked up to see Minho.

"Just being a good person, that's all." He simply replied, shrugging his shoulders.

I pinched my eyebrows together at the nickname, it was starting to get on my nerves. It felt like Minho was trying to degrade me with the tone he was using. "My name is Y/N."

"Don't care, Greenie." He purposely emphasized the nickname and lazily smiled at me.

I licked my lips and sighed, "Look, I don't know if this is about yesterday, but I'm truly sorry about that. I really want to make things right with you so please, accept my apology." I pushed away the agitation bubbling inside of me.

"Cool." He nodded and paused before adding, "I still don't care though, coming here was a waste of my time, Girly."

He started to walk away before I spoke up on impulse, stopping him in his tracks. "So I guess in this society, being a male and an asshole makes you worthy of mine?"

I rose an eyebrow, turning my body to face him, ignoring the pointed look Zart gave me from the swearing. I realized that I probably should tone down the language here.

"I'm right here, y'shank.." Zart muttered, probably offended a bit by what I just said. I shot him a sympathetic smile and meekly mouthed a sorry towards him before my face hardened again when I faced Minho.

Before Minho could make another snarky remark, I could hear Alby shouting for him.

"Sounds like your mom's calling, don't wanna miss that, do you?" I asked, replacing the agitated look with a sweet smile on my face.

He gave me a side-glance before silently walking away.

I once again apologized to Zart for my statement earlier and decided to head in for the night. I scraped the scraps off my plate and headed back to the Med-Jack Hut where Alby allowed me to sleep temporarily.

I laid on the uncomfortable cot and drowned in my thoughts in silence, with the exception of crickets chirping and the walls shifting in the Maze.

It felt like the whole world was against me. Some of the boys hated me purely based on a fact that I was a girl, and some just wanted to get with me. Either way, both groups didn't respect me. The thought repulsed me, I really hated this place.

At least there were a few people I could trust, which made this all bearable. If there wasn't, I would be throwing myself into the Maze.

THERE IS NO SECOND PLACE // MINHO, THE MAZE RUNNER ★Where stories live. Discover now