chase is on the case

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'I'm not Hercules,'

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'I'm not Hercules,'

The words Percy said stuck with me as we rang the doorbell to Annabeth's father's home.

Percy never struck me as someone who becomes the mad, selfish god that Hercules now is. But I believe him now, believe he won't grow up to be like Hercules—

The door opened and I immediately took a step back at the sight. It was a middle aged man with an aviators cap and goggles that made his eyes bug out.

"Hello," he said in a friendly voice. "Are you delivering my airplanes?"

Thalia, Percy Zoé and I looked at each other and shared a wary look.

"Um, no, sir," Percy said.

"Drat," the man said. "I need three more Sopwith Camels."

"Right," Percy said. "We're friends of annabeth."

"Annabeth?" He straightened. "Is she all right? Has something happened?"

None of us answered. He must have figured something happened because he took off his cap and goggles.

"You'd better come in," he said.

The house was very nice, and felt lived in. Two cats were sleeping on the sofa and the coffee table was littered with magazines. And a little kids winter coat was spread on the floor, the whole house smelt liked baked goods with a soft jazz coming from the kitchen.

"Dad!" A little boy screamed. "He's taking apart my robots!"

"Bobby," dr. Chase called. "Don't take apart your brother's robots."

"I'm Bobby," the little boy protested. "He's Matthew!"

"Matthew," he said. "Don't take apart your brother's robots!"

"Okay, dad!"

Dr. Chase turned to us. "We'll go upstairs to my study. This way."

"Honey?" A woman called. She appeared and I assumed it was Annabeths stepmother. She wiped her hands on a dish towel. She was a pretty Asian woman with red highlighted hair tied in a bun.

"Who are our guests?" She asked.

"Oh," dr. Chase said. "This is..."

He stared at us, realizing he never asked what our names were.

"Fredrick," she chided. "You forgot to ask them their names?"

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