An Unlikely Savior

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(I'm gonna stop putting 'in hell' now okay? This is the last one.)

<also the pic at the top is what Roman looks like as a sinner>


~°{(In Hell)}°~

After finally calming myself down I take a look around and see these monstrous beings. I tend to stay awake from them but something about noticing everyone looks like a monster made me realize this is the norm.

I walked infront of a giant window for a shop, and then it hit me.

Wait does that mean that I-

With a quick glance at my reflection turns into a hard stare of shock I'm in for it. I look so different.

Don't get me wrong I look good as hell. No... pun intended i guess.

Man was I tall though, I was short as ever in my lifetime and I'm like 8 feet tall here.

This all feels so surreal. I back up and someone runs into me.

"WATCH WERE YOUR GOIN FAG!!!" Someone yells.

"Sorry-" someone pushes past me again.  "Excuse you!" I huffed angrily.

Shooting erupted in the place next door and my ears drooped. I ran away from it all. Far down the street until I couldn't hear it.

There were flashing lights and Bill boards everywhere, advertising this and that but I paid no attention to them.

I hear a whistle as I walked by a group of people. I looked and it was a tall man  that resembled a shark.

"What are you doing out here all alone cute thing?" He inquired.

"Taking a w-walk." Damnit I'm never good a keeping my cool in this type of situation.

"Why don't you join us doll. We'll give you a good time..." he claimed.

Hell. No.

"No thanks," I answered him and start walking briskly. The need to put as much space between us as possible becoming overwhelming clear.

I continue to hear footsteps behind me so I take a quick glance.

The man is following me.

I move faster but he's still behind me. I start running and he speeds up as well.

Fear is running through out my body, God why am I so scared.

I'm yanked into an alley. Why is it always an alley!?

I get thrown and I hit the wall hard. Hard enough that it knocks the wind out of me.

The shark comes at me with a knife from his pocket, I dodge but it slice my arm a bit.

I hiss from the pain as he pins me to the wall. A hand beside my head and the knife, slick with my blood, against my throat.

I stifle a scream.


"I told you to join us, you leave me with no other choice." He grunted.

I closed my eyes tight.

I wish Arthur was here.

Tears rolled down my face and I bit my lip trying not to cry out.

There's a loud noise as if something was slammed open.

I hear him yell and I feel the pressure of him holding me relinquish.

I open my eyes to see him on the ground backing away slowly.

A tall man, no more than 10 foot tall towering over him. Pointing a gun.

"Give me a reason not to shoot you right now!?" He shouted at him.

"Please man! I-i didn't know!! I didn't know he was-" BAM.

The man had shot him before he could finished. He put the gun in his pocket and turned towards me.

He rushed over and held my chin in his hand, I blushed a little too much at that.  He used the other hand to move my arm a little and inspect my cut.

"He got you pretty good didn't he?" He chuckled softly.

"Yeah-" I wince as he applied pressure to the wound with cloth.

"Sorry," he apologized.

I took this moment to get a good look at him. His skin was a nice shade of violet.  He wore a red robe with sort of dalmatian print on it or something.

It's giving both a kings robe and cruella devile.

He had four arms, He wore a hat with a feather and sun glasses shaped like hearts. His eyes were ruby red.

We locked eyes for a moment and I blushed and looked elsewhere.

"Like what you see huh?" He jested.

I blushed even harder, "I-" He laughed.

"I'm kidding Querido, don't get yourself so worked up."


"Do you have a place to stay, somewhere safe?" He asks, "No I do not sorry." I answer rather dimly.

"Hmm, you can stay with me if you'd like. I know we just met and all but it's up to you."

"Really!? Please I would love to, I don't have anywhere to go. I just fell in here." I exclaimed.

"Your new here? I thought so... come come follow me." He said sliding one of his other hands to the small of my back. Ushering me inside the door in the alley.

He shuts the door behind us both and flips on a light. There's stair cases and we go up them and once we reach the right floor he opens the door for me and takes me to a room. This floor is rather quiet and I can hear faint music from about 2 or 3 floors up.

It's a dim room, mostly lit up with neon signs. Overall it looks pretty cool. There's a big red bed shaped like a heart that looks really cozy. A sort of curtain that's see through goes around the bed and gives it an overall princess bed type feel to it.

There was a love sofa across the room, a vanity with a big mirror on it with lights. There was a full body mirror standing tall beside it. There was a dresser on the far wall and two doors. One a closet and the other a bathroom.

"This is my room, feel free to take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch okay? Can't have my guest sleep like a Peaseant." He laughed.

"Are you sure? it is your bed..." I said biting my lip. Gosh this guy was being so generous, I feel bad.

"At least tell me your name sir." I ask nervously.

"No need for the formalities my dear you can call me Val. Short for Valentino." He winked.


Hmm I wonder if this will be a problem later on 🤔

1074 words!

I'll Find My Way Back To You  (Hazbin Hotel Oc Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora