February 14th, 2004

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I walked into class and sat down in my seat, throwing my backpack to the side of my chair. I was tired and bored, not wanting to stay for long. That was, until Raya stepped in.

"Luca!" She called out, running to her seat to set her bag down. She stepped over her table and jumped into me, squeezing me tightly before pulling away, "Do you want to be my valentine?" I jumped at her request, feeling a weird mix of emotions, "Uh... Sure." I agreed, twiddling my fingers together in embarrassment. She squealed and held me again, almost forcing the breath out of my lungs. I sighed as she pulled away and got into her seat, my lips spreading across my face uncontrollably, "Alright, students!" Ms. Leana said as she clapped her hands, bringing the attention to her. I peeked at Raya for a moment before looking back at the front of the classroom as Ms. Leana started today's lesson.


During lunch, I sat in between an orange haired scrawny boy and a tall ponytailed girl. I looked down at my tray, picking at my food as the students' yells and conversations turned into a wild mix of noises, "Luca!" I heard from my side. I picked my head up, looking around for the person who called me, when someone jumped into the seat in front of me, "Hi," She waved, looking down to my tray then back to me. I sighed, relieved to see Raya once more, "Hi, Raya,"

She hums as she picks at her food, trying to find a good bite, "you know what we should do? Come up with nicknames for each other!" She beamed, almost as if she's been wanting to try this for a while. I hummed, twirling my fork around, "A nickname?" I repeated, looking up at her to get lost into her bright hazel eyes I've missed, "Sure, sounds fun." I said, smiling at her.

Then she does it. The thing I always noticed about her. Her bright smile. I would lie to her all day and not feel sorry for it if it meant I could see her smile like that more. I would feel a little sorry - but still. Her smile would always make my day.

"Hmmmm," She twirled her fork around, taking a bite of her food, then setting it back down as she thought. I sat there, picking at my food some more as she thought, a little nervous at what she'd come up with, "I can't think of anything," Raya groaned, tilting her head back for a moment before looking back to me, "Do you have a nickname for me?" She tilted her head and leaned forward, almost as if she's begging for a nickname.

I thought for a moment, finally taking a bite of my food before I spoke, "Sun ray," I murmured to myself. Apparently I wasn't quiet enough because Raya heard me, "Sun ray? Because my name is Raya?" She questioned, tilting her head in her hand. I sat there for a moment, trying to brush off the embarrassment before she laughed, "I love it."


During lunch me and Raya walked into the cafeteria, wrapping our arms around each other. Raya picked up the pace, dragging me along as she saw her favorite food being served. I chuckled quietly as she pulled me along with her and stopped at the line, sighing softly and looking over to her. I watched as she grabbed our trays and pulled me along to get our food, my eyes not leaving her for one moment.

She was the first person to come up to me and try to break through the glass barriers built around me. She was the first person to smile and laugh at me. She was the first person to make me feel normal. She was so much to me. Yet I barely did anything for her. It hurt to know I might've not meant as much to her as she did to me, but it felt good knowing she cared for me. Even just a little.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 12 ⏰

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