am I a failure? (requested)

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"Hey, darling!" Taylor smiled as you stepped into the bedroom. "How was your day?"

"Fine." You quietly replied as you put your things down and untied your hair from the ponytail you put it up in earlier.

Taylor could tell that your day had been far from fine, both by the way you responded and by the look in your eyes when they met hers a second later.

You looked upset about something and she couldn't help but worry about you.

Setting aside the lyrics for a song she'd been working on before you got home, she sat up and watched you walk over to your side of the bed before you sat down and buried your face in your hands.

"That was a lie. It was a horrible day." You mumbled.

"Why? What happened?" She worriedly asked as she scooted towards you, gently placing her hand on your back.

"I got my results back from the test I took." You said before looking at her. "I failed."

"What?" She frowned.

"I failed, Tay! I got an F, the worst possible grade I could've gotten!"

No wonder you were so upset.

She knows how hard you always are on yourself when it comes to things like your college classes and grades, but getting an F was bound to destroy you inside, and the thought shattered her heart.


"I hate myself." You interrupted.

"Don't say that. You should never hate yourself." She said as she began to rub your back comfortingly. "There has to be some mistake. You worked so hard and you're so smart. An F just doesn't add up."

"It's right, Tay. I got an F because I'm stupid!"

"You are not stupid! Don't you ever call yourself that. Baby, you are the smartest woman I know. And I know it's not what you want to hear because I know how hard you work and how hard you are on yourself but everybody gets a bad grade from time to time, even in college."

"I know." You sniffled.

"Even though you got an F, I still think you're the most intelligent woman in this world."

You chuckled as you looked into her eyes with your teary ones.

"Says you, you genius."

She shook her head with a laugh.

"Baby, you know that everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect, even as hard as you try to be. It's okay to mess up and get a bad grade sometimes. That doesn't mean you're not smart."

"Am I a failure?" You asked and she shook her head before wrapping you in her arms.

"No. You could never be a failure."

"But I failed this test." You sniffled.

"That doesn't make you a failure. You are the opposite of what that word means. Because you continue to try your best, even when you mess up. It's okay that you didn't get the highest grade on this test. Everyone goes through this at one point or another. What's important is that you don't let it get you down and you keep going. You're strong and so smart. I'm always amazed by you."

You smiled a little as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

"Don't ever think that about yourself, okay? Maybe you can talk to your professor and see if you can retake the test and, if not, then next time, you'll pass it for sure. I know it. Because I believe in you."

"Thank you, Tay. You're amazing." You said before you hugged her tightly. "I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"I don't know what I'd do without you either. It hurts me to hear you say those things about yourself so let's not do that anymore. Be a little gentler to yourself. You know damn well you'd never let me say those things about myself when I mess up and I won't let you do the same about yourself either. You're my girl and I will always believe in you."

You smiled through your tears, too overwhelmed with love to even try to find the words to thank her for her comforting and encouraging words.

She means the world to you and you don't know what you did to deserve her but you're so grateful.

Because it's only a matter of time until you're able to believe in yourself again, all because she believes in you, and you know how incredibly lucky you are to have her.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now