Chapter 58: The Mysterious Client's Commission!

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Chapter 58: The Mysterious Client's Commission!

Seeing Loki's irritated expression, Dionysus decided to get straight to the point.

"There's been a sudden surge of monsters on the 24th floor. The task I issued has been hidden by the Guild."

"The 24th floor?" Upon hearing this, Loki was certain that Ais was caught in the middle of this chaos.

She immediately yelled at Shiro, "Torajirou! Go get Bete and Lefiya to support Ais! Something's definitely wrong there!"

Dionysus narrowed his eyes, observing Loki's sudden change in demeanor.

"Will three people be enough? Although I brought this up, I sense great danger emanating from the 24th floor."

"There's no other way. Everyone else has their own tasks, and we can't spare any more high-level combatants," Loki replied, maintaining her guard even in this critical situation.

She had no intention of revealing the whereabouts of Finn and the others.

Realizing that Loki's side had limited personnel, Dionysus turned to his own Familia member.

"Filvis, you should go and help them."

The elf girl's eyes widened in surprise, and Loki also looked like she couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Wait! If I leave, who will protect you, Dionysus-sama?" Filvis protested.

"Listen, Filvis. It was my request that led Sword Princess into this mess, so we must show our sincerity." Dionysus explained, his tone serious yet persuasive.

"Besides, gaining their trust is paramount now, and trust is earned through actions, not words. You should understand this, Filvis."

"But..." Filvis hesitated, her gaze wavering.

Dionysus stood up from his chair, his emerald eyes staring directly into hers.

"I understand..." Filvis finally relented, nodding reluctantly.

Dionysus then turned to Loki and straightened his posture.

"If you would allow it, please let my Familia accompany your team."

"Oh, I appreciate the gesture, but the weakest member of the team I sent is Level 3. Can your Familia keep up with them?"

Loki questioned, concerned that a weaker companion would hinder their progress.

"Filvis is the only Level 3 in my Familia, so you needn't worry about her being a hindrance." Dionysus assured the red-haired goddess.

"You have a Level 3 in your Familia?" Loki tilted her head, surprised by this revelation.

"I spent a considerable sum to have the information about Filvis withheld during the last Denatus. The child attracts too much attention due to certain circumstances," Dionysus explained vaguely.

Loki and Shiro exchanged glances, their curiosity was piqued, but the black-haired elf girl just stood there with her eyes closed, without the slightest intention to speak.

"Alright, we're short on manpower anyway. Torajirou, take Filvis and find Bete and the others." Loki conceded after thinking for a while.

After the commotion subsided, Shiro met up with Lefiya, who had hurriedly packed her belongings, and Bete at the entrance.

"It's you again," Bete grumbled seeing the black-haired elf, his face contorted in displeasure at the prospect of working with her.

It looked like he had encountered Filvis before and clearly wasn't fond of her.

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