radio interview

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"Why don't we bring (Y/N) into this, Austin?" the radio interviewer teases to Austin. His cheeks heat up a bit, but he says,

"Not really her thing."

Austin and you both knew what questions would be thrown at you and you both weren't ready for them. You two are best friends to the public, but behind the scenes you were his baby girl. Austin didn't wanna tell Mahomies yet, well management didn't. Austin wouldn't tell you that, but you heard it yourself when they thought you weren't around.

Austin wanted to tell people. He wanted to tell every Mahomie and every guy who was ever to look at you. Even a friendly glance pissed him off. You liked it though. Austin wanted to protect you. His baby girl and his best friend.

"Oh come on, let's get her on the air after this song," she says as she tells Austin what song to announce. He does as told before they're off air. Only for a few minutes though, but you were being rushed into the little station by security.

They sit you down in a chair and put you right next to Austin. You were nervous about this too and you'd probably let Austin do all the talking. Austin would anyways just to protect you. Even from people's words.

Soon it was time for you two to talk.

"So I'm here with (Y/F/N) and Austin Mahone, your girlfriend correct?" she asks, and you wait for his usual response. Which is no, but this time it's different.

"Yes that is correct," he says, and you had to smile.

"Oh so you two are finally coming out after we've basically known for months?" she had teased, causing you to laugh a bit.

Austin even chuckles, glancing over at you with this look in his eyes. You'd never seen it before but it made your heart speed up.

"Yeah, I guess so," he says.

"Awh, you guys, seriously if you could see these two love birds looking at each other in here. How long has it been?" she then continued. Austin had looked at you for assistance on that question.

"3 months," you nod.

"So cute! What's the best date he took you on?" she asks you, and Austin has to give you a nod to talk. You didn't wanna be the certain of attention.

"I don't have a favorite, but I love when he takes me to basketball games. He gets so into it, it's cute," you spoke, and Austin had to grin.

"She's always looking at me instead of the game. I always catch her. It's cute," he says in return, making your cheeks heat up.

"You two are probably my new favorite couple."

And the rest of the interview was questions about you and Austin as well as the cute glances you two love birds shared.

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