Part One: Premonition...

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Author's Note: I won't be continuing with this story for a while since I am working on another story before this one.

It had been days since I last slept. I didn’t understand it. By now, my body would have automatically shut down to regenerate for the next few days. I hated not being able to sleep like a normal person. Then again, I was never really normal to begin with.

Stupid Insomnia, I thought.

I closed my eyes in hope that I would somehow fall asleep. It wasn’t long before I began to hear a faint noise coming from the other side of the door. It seem to get louder after just a few seconds. It was coming from the kitchen. The toneless sound made it impossible for me to concentrate on anything. She was singing again.

“Kara… Please stop singing!!!”

I was never fond of calling her the way I should. I knew it was disrespectful to call her by her name, but that didn’t matter to me. She was more than just an aunt. She was like an older sister.

“Geez, talk about being a delicate flower. Are you sure it’s not that time of the month yet?”

“Ha… Ha”

She always said the weirdest things. No wonder I couldn’t take her seriously. Sometimes I felt like I was the adult here, rather than it being the other way around.

“Lighten up kido”


“Dinner will be ready in a few”

 I didn’t bother to respond. I couldn’t risk her blowing up and give me a long lecture about respect. That was my sister’s job. She was always the nice one compared to me.


His barking became louder. I couldn’t understand it. He was usually silent, sleeping at the edge of my bed. You could hardly notice he was there. This wasn’t the Duke I knew. “Stop it!!!”

There was fear in his eyes. He began to growl ferociously. This was starting to worry me. His body became tense. I knew I had to do something before it was too late.

“What’s wrong with you? See, there’s nothing the…”

Its cold stare sent a chill down my spine. It was the last ting I expected to see. I couldn’t understand what a raven was doing sitting there on a branch in the darkness. The phone began to ring as I watched it fly away. No one ever called this late, especially before dinner. Maybe it was Nadia. I hadn’t heard from her in days. Then it hit me. As I headed for the door, I felt a throbbing pain coming from my chest.

This isn’t happening… It’s not real” I whispered.

Something was wrong. The pain in my chest was beginning to get worse. Everything was becoming blurry. My body was beginning to tremble. I could hear my aunt sobbing mournfully in the kitchen, yelling at whoever it was that it wasn’t true. It wasn’t possible. How could that have happened? But I knew it was true.

I was on my knees by now, barely able to stand. It wasn’t long before my body hit the floor. Everything began to move around the room. I couldn’t even hear my aunt’s sobbing anymore.

Maybe she calmed down.

Everything’s ok. Just close your eyes and relax.

The whispering voice sounded familiar. Where had I heard it before? Then I realized who it was.

“N... Nadia?”

The words struggled to come out of my mouth. I was exhausted. She began to come closer and closer. I wasn’t scared anymore. I knew everything was going to be alright. That’s when everything went dark.  

Retribution Vendetta (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora