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 The beeping sound of machines and the struggle to breathe brought me back to reality. My body was beginning to ache with every movement I made.

“Honey, are you ok?”

Kara’s voice was comforting. I was relieved at the thought of not being alone.

“H… how l… long?”

The words could barely come out of my mouth. It was almost impossible for me to speak. My eyes felt heavy. I was unable to concentrate on anything. The light bumping off the bright walls seem to make it worse. It was a while before I could fully open my eyes and look around.

“How are you feeling?”

I gave her a nod to reassure her I was fine. Something was wrong. She was never this quiet.

“I have some bad news… It’s about Nadia”

As she began to cry, I couldn’t resist but look away. I wanted to cover my ears in hopes of ignoring what she had to say. I knew what was next.

“She’s dead”  

It was quiet for a long time. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

“I know…”

There was something cold about her that changed so suddenly. She looked at me with such hatred, such disgust. She was angry. I didn’t blame her though. I would have reacted the same exact way.

“Get your things… We’re leaving.”

Silence and tension followed us home for the next few days. It didn’t matter if she apologized or not. After all, the only person she had protected her whole life was gone now.

“Everything’s going to change from now on”

She began coming home less and less after the funeral. I figured all those “business trips” were just an excuse for her to get away from me. Even when she came, we had nothing to say to each other.

“I’ll be home for your birthday, don’t worry.”

It was the last thing she said to me before she stopped coming all together. I guess that was my fault for looking so much like her.

So many memories, I thought.

I took one good look at her room before lighting the match. It was a shame no one was here to stop me. I had it all decided. If Kara had moved on, so was I. I didn't bother looking back, as I closed the door and walked away from the place I had spent my whole life in. There was only one thought running through my mind at that moment. I knew I had to find the one responsible for her death. At any cost.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2011 ⏰

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