Chapter 4

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Sidney sat in Chase's office perusing the presentation she was to deliver to a new client the next morning.

After lunch they had gone riding Chase's horses for about an hour. She assumed that Chase would be taking her home at some time that afternoon. But he bullied her to spend one more night, using his special brand of coercion. That meant in the morning, she would have to leave straight from home to her client. So Sidney had pleaded with Chase to allow her some time to make final preparations for her presentation the following morning. She was almost done, when something in the client's specs caught her attention, and she realized it was not addressed on the plan she had drawn.

'Oh no,' she whispered, how could she not have picked it up before hand. 'Great, just great,' she cringed.

She would have to go to her office. Sidney hated leaving anything for the last moment. She preferred to be ready well in advance. She switched her mobile on tempted to call her new assistant Dominic. She was loathe to interrupt people outside of office hours.

Call. Don't Call. Call. Don't Call.

'I need another plan,' she yelled at herself, as if that could provide an answer.

She did not hear Chase sneak in behind her. 'What plans are you devising?' he teased playfully, standing behind her and hugging her.

'Chase I need to go to my office?'

'Now?' he queried.

'I've overlooked something critical in the specs, I need to draw a new plan. You don't have a wide format printer, and I don't have one at home either.'

Her mobile shrilled and she jumped.

'I thought your mobile was off?'

'I just switched it on now, contemplating whether to ask my assistant to print it for me, but I don't want to disturb his weekend.'

'Aren't you going to respond to that text?' he questioned.

'Oh yes,' she said absently, 'so do you mind dropping me off at my place?' she pleaded, 'I'll just__.'

A guilty look covered her face as she stared at her mobile. Chase studied her curiously. A sick gut wrenching feeling consumed him.

'Is it none of my business, or you going to fill me in?' His tone was quite, devoid of any emotion.

He ripped the mobile from her hand, his eyes dark, thunderous.

Murphy's Law. How's this for stinking timing!

Chase clicked opened the message. The first murderous expression she observed on his face was when he noted the message was from Tariq. "Habibti, can we meet tonight. I am looking forward to seeing you."
If Sidney described the expression on Chase's face as 'livid' that would be putting it mildly.

"You need another plan?" he yelled harshly.

Sidney stepped back instinctively.

'Chase I__ I'm not being unfaithful to you. There's nothing going on between Tariq and I,' she pleaded.

'Is that why you wanted some time away from me? he growled, 'so you could plot to meet Sadique?'

'Chase no. I did come here to work. My mobile was switched off in my briefcase. I only switched it on to try and call Dominic.'

'You expect me to believe that?' he spat angrily.

'Chase,' she laid her hand on his arm, 'I would not lie to you. You are the only man__.'

She did not know how to put her thoughts into words.

'You are the only man I want to be with,' she whispered.

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