The Final Chapter

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'Keep it coming,' she smiled at the attendant, who seemed to be paying a little more attention to Sidney than to his other passengers. He brought her a blanket when she did not ask for one. Sidney politely accepted it.

Tonight, she could herself easily pass as a cabin attendant, she was wearing navy blue casual wrinkle free traveling pants and a white blouse, it resembled the uniform of the stewardesses, she was just missing the designer neck tie. Sidney snuggled up on her seat and hauled out the paperback she had purchased at the airport. They were one hour into their flight now, dinner was being served. Sidney did not normally prefer to eat on board, even though the meals were as delicious as any five star restaurant, but seeing she was being rather liberal with the champagne in the celebratory mood she was in, she thought perhaps she should have some food in her tummy. She was given an extra portion of pudding by her hunk, whose name she learnt was Byron.

Mmm I just love pudding.

Sidney smiled saying she would have it later, when she was peckish. For now she just wanted to enjoy her champagne. Byron had been hinting at wanting her mobile number when the old lady on the opposite side of Sidney, called his attention.

Saved for the moment.

The first class cabin was pretty luxurious and spacious. There were just two lounge seats in each row that converted into comfortable settee like beds. There were about six of these in first class. Sidney normally traveled business class, but had decided on this trip to splash out. She stretched out and smiled happily.

'You sound like a very happy kitten,' Bryon grinned, his Irish accent very pronounced.

'I'm rather comfortable and the trip so far is rather pleasant,' Sidney smiled.

'Let me know how else I can be off assistance,' he hinted, which was not lost on Sidney.

'Thank you,' she buried her head into her book.

'Can I have another pillow please?' the old lady across from Sidney squeaked.

'Certainly ma'am,' Byron rushed away to appease the old lady, as soon as he disappeared, she winked at Sidney.

'Let me know if he troubles you. I'll nag so much he'll keep away,' she spoke conspirationally.

Sidney raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Why the smart old bag, pretending to be irksome.

'Thank you. Hi, I'm Sidney by the way.'

'Just call me Martha, lovey,' she winked again.

Byron returned with her second pillow, then smiled bravely again at Sidney.

Martha coughed, making some painful noises, and Byron turned to escape. Sidney grinned, and lowered her head into her book again, trying to hide the smile from her face.

'The bathroom's that way gentlemen,' Byron started.

Sidney looked up and saw two armed men push their way past Bryon. Byron was shoved to the floor. The last man closed the curtain so the view from Business Class was hidden. When Sidney looked up all she saw were faces covered in masks.

Oh my God!

'Now look here you ill mannered__'

And that was all Martha got out, when she was slapped across her face.

'Martha?' Sidney cried out wanting to rush to her, but was stopped when a rifle was pointed at her.

She leaned back in her seat.

'Very wise,' a muffled Middle Eastern accent came from behind the mask. Her eyes slowing looked across to see blood trickling down Martha's lip.

Oh dear God are we going to die, like this? I did not even say good bye to Chase.

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