New Friend

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I sat up stairs listening to music blocking out the sounds around me. I never really introduced myself so Hi my name is Megan I'm 12 and will be turning 13 in a week and two days. I'm probably around 4,10 in height or maybe I'm even 5,0 I'm not sure. I'm the oldest kid in the house so that's always good but I'm suppose to be responsible for certain reasons.
So today I didn't have a lot planed. Maybe I'll take a walk around to the park. I forgot to tell you I lived in Boston, Massachusetts. I changed out of my sweat pants and put on jeans and my Captain America sweat shirt. I love Marvel movies so I'm kinda addicted to Captain America. I put on red converse shoes and grabbed my marvel bag which had all the Avengers on it. I ran down stairs grabbed an apple and walked out the front door. I normally leave a note when I leave but today I just decided to text Mrs Smith sense she was at the store with Chase and the other two kids and the rest of the kids were at Mrs Smith's sisters house. I stayed back because I don't like her sister. So I started on my usual route to the park. I love taking walks because I get bored easily and I love the outdoors. I look like I'm going to school but I'm homeschooled sense I refused to go. I bit into my apple as I continued to walk down the street I could see the park in the distance so that was always good. I saw a man siting at the bench I usually sit at so I decided to sit next to him. He looked tall maybe in his 30s he had brown hair and beard. It wasn't a big beard but I guess it's a medium size. He had a hat on and sun glasses. It was the man I bumped into a few days ago when I was walking home. "You a Captain America fan?" He asked and kinda startled me. His voice sounded familiar.
"Yeah. I'm a big marvel fan" I said pulling out my sketch book to finish my drawing of Captain America's Shield.
"You're pretty good at drawing" the man said looking at my sketch.
"Thanks" I said taking out my colored pencils.
"Can I look at your other drawings?" He asked smiling.
"Sure" I said putting down the colored pencils and handed him the sketch book. He started flipping through the pictures I had drew and landed on a picture of the guy who plays as Captain America... Chris Evans.
"You're really good" he tells me.
"Thanks. I draw in my free time. Which is every day" I said laughing.
"I never caught your name" he said handing me the book.
"It's Megan" I said putting the book inside my bag.
"Well Megan I'm Chris" he said reaching to shake my hand.
"Nice to meet you Chris" I said shaking his hand.
"So where are your parents?" He asked looking around and probably wondering why I was by myself.
"Well my mom is 6 feet under and my dad is an alcoholic so I'm a orphan" I said as I zipped up the book bag.
"Oh I'm sorry" Chris said.
"It happened 10 years ago. Plus you don't have to be sorry. She was drinking and driving what do you expect" I said crossing my legs on the bench.
"What orphanage are you at?" He asked.
"Mrs Smiths Home for Children it's right down the road I walked here" I said smiling.
"I heard it's a nice place" Chris said looking at the building.
"It's alright. I'm the oldest there" I said.
"Well it was nice meeting you Megan" Chris said standing up.
"It was nice meeting you too Chris" I said grabbing my bag.
"Maybe we could meet up sometime" Chris said handing me a paper with numbers on it.
"Sure thing" I said as he smiled and walked away. I was happy I actually made a friend for once. Yeah he was older than me but he is still a friend. My new friend.

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