Girls Day Out

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The next day I was sitting on the couch with a lap top that Chris let me borrow. He said about going to school and I refused because I don't need drama. Chris said about kids my age. I went to school back in Boston so I already had friends that I can text. So he agreed and I started online school. It's easier than actual school. So that's what I'm doing I'm taking an online class right now. I like Science class. After I finished there was a knock at the door and Chris answered it seeing Scarlet, Gwyneth, and Cobie. I jumped up already dressed in a disney sweater that had the little mermaid on it and with jeans. I put on my blue flat shoes told Chris I'd be home soon and me, Scarlet, Cobie, and Gwyneth went to the mall.
"Sense the premier is in a few months we might as well get ready" Scarlet said they were gonna be done filming in two or three months. I can't believe it's already been a month sense Chris adopted me.
"I agree" Gwyneth said with as smile. I looked up to Scarlet, Gwyneth, and Cobie as if they were my mom. They treated me that way. Cobie made me laugh all the time. Gwyneth was like a mother who loved to help with your outfit. And Scarlet was just the best she'd say funny things about my dad that made me laugh. She'd say something about a movie they worked on together. She told me about when they were filming Perfect Score. I've watched that movie and I laughed. It was funny. I liked my dad's character. Scarlet asked me if my dad cussed around me. I said not really I've never heard him say a bad word. She said oh he will in a week or more he's just getting use to being a father.
"What do you think?" Scarlet asked as she walked out of the changing room wearing a beautiful blue dress. I smiled and nodded.
"Your turn Megan" Gwyneth said handing me a dress. I nodded and walked into the dressing room. The dress was red and came to my knees (dress in the picture) I liked it. I walked out and Cobie had a big grin. Gwyneth gasped in awe. And Scarlet was so happy.
"It beautiful" Scarlet said as if she was a mother of the bride on her wedding day.
So I ended up getting the red dress! I loved it! After shopping we went to eat at this really nice place. The food was really good. They drove me home and said goodnight. I walked up to the house carrying a few bags with me. I opened the door and closed it behind me. East came running towards me and barked happily.
"Hi boy" I said petting him. I looked around and saw no Chris. Then I heard a door shut and Uncle Scott walked out.
"Oh Chris told me you'd be home soon. I'm your babysitter. Chris went to go get drinks with Hemsworth and Hiddleston" Scott said as I put the bags on the floor.
"Cool" I said hugging my Uncle. I guess he flew out here earlier without me knowing.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked with a grin as I tossed a chew toy into the living room and East ran after it.
"Movies?" I asked every time Uncle Scott was at the house we either watched movies or ate ice cream. I loved me and Uncle Scott's movie nights.
"I'll get the ice cream!" He said as I ran to my room changing into a black tank top and sweatpants. I ran back to the living room to see two tubs of ice cream laying out. I jumped onto the couch and he was putting in Cinderella. I loved watching Disney movies with Scott or Chris.
This night was the best night ever. Chris H, and Tom came home with my drunk father who was passed out. "Is he okay?" I asked trying to hold back a laugh at my sleeping father.
"Yes he's just Drunk" said Tom as him and Chris carried my dad to his bed room. Tom wasn't ever drunk he was like he always was. Chris H was a little drunk but not a lot however. I'm just worried he'll smash something and yell "ANOTHER!" I just made myself laugh at the thought. Me and Uncle Scott tried not to laugh but we let it out. We couldn't stop. It was really funny.
Later Chris H passed out on the couch and Uncle Scott fell asleep as well. "Well I'm gonna head to bed" I said smiling getting up and giving Tom a hug and said goodnight.
"Chris told me you have nightmares so if you need anything just ask" he said as I walked to my bedroom and fell asleep.
I watched as my mother and father argued for the 10th time this week. It's always happening. "I've done everything I can for you! I've given you a house, money, a child, food, cloths and what do I get in return? NOTHING!" My mother yelled as there was a yelp. My father hit my mom across her face making a loud SLAP! Against her pale skin. I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door loudly. I couldn't stop crying. The memory of my mothers car accident replayed in my mind like a broken record. It wasn't an accident. She committed suicide to get away from my father. She meant to drive off the road and hit a tree with a strong force. I remember my dad leaving me on the doorstep of the orphanage and didn't say a word to me. He wanted a son. I know he did. Mom always told me that he was angry when they announced I was a girl but he started to like me but very slowly. All that emotion he had left when she died. Then my face burned. I lied when I said he never laid a hand on me. He hit me a few times then stopped sense I was just a 3 year old. But I remember the first slap.
I woke up drenched in sweat and tears rolled down my face. I felt the pain I did when my father slapped me. Toms words replayed in my head and I climbed out of bed and looked around. Hemsworth was still passed out on the couch. Uncle Scott must have shown Tom the guest bedroom and Uncle Scott went to his room he normally stayed in. The door right across the hall from me was open a little. And I knocked on it quietly. Tom opened the door then woke up basically when he saw tears. I was pulled into his room and into a large hug. I cried even more. Tom held me for a few more seconds then wiped away my tears. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" He asked his voice sounding tired and exhausted. I nodded and sat down on the bed. I heard East running through the halls probably going to Chris.
"It was about my family. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" I asked he nodded and waited for me to continue, "I lied when I said he didn't touch me, my father. He slapped me when I was little because he wanted a son. Later he accepted the truth and actual started to be nice to me but that emotion disappeared when my mom died. Plus my mom didn't die because of an accident. It wasn't an accident it was suicide. She wanted to get away." I could see tears in Toms eyes. He pulled me close and held me and I cried in his chest drenching his t-shirt in tears.
"You should tell Chris" he said as I looked up.
"I can't! Every time I talk about my parents I break down" I said starting to cry.
"Shhhh. I'll tell him on set tomorrow" he said rubbing my back like Chris did when I had my first nightmare at his house.
"Please. And if he flips out tell him not to come home angry at me for not telling him the truth" I said the words seemed to be like a waterfall.
"I promise" he said as my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep on Toms shoulder. Okay I have to admit I felt safer with Chris but Tom was almost there. Only if he didn't have black hair. He reminds me of Loki with his black hair.

Adopted By Chris EvansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora