Chapter 3: Infected

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Chapter 3: Infected

(Nick Bateman as Keith Moore, picture above. If the picture is not visible, please let me know.) -Bri*

Brittany's POV:

I pull the trigger and hit one straight in the chest, bringing him down and causing all of the other Hunters to run for cover.

I quickly reload and end up ducking as bullets fly through the window. That's when I hear the army truck drive up. I quickly move windows and aim as fast as I can, getting the one on top of the truck.

After bringing about three of them down, something fairly large comes flying at the window. I dodge to the right and hear a shattering sound, then look back to see the spot I was just at go up in flames.

Did those jerks just throw a molotov at me?! I peek back over the window just in time to see another one hurtling at the building, but luckily through the wrong window.

He did! He threw one!

I need to make some of those if I ever get out of this. It's not hard, I just need a bottle, something flammable, and a rag.

I get and idea and dart up, grabbing the ammunition and sprinting down the stairs. I get to the second story and the noise dies down.

"Go look for her!" Someone yells. I quickly make my way over to a desk but try to stay crouched down. I move the desk in front of the doors, as well as locking the door, to buy me some time.

I aim my gun out the window and notice the boys see me. I aim at the rope binding them to the street post and they quickly turn away as much as possible.

I hit the rope and they start to quickly untangle it from themselves. Not a second after I shoot the rope I aim left and hit a man in the shop window across the street.

"You little b****!" One of them yells.

"A**holes!" I yell back just because I can.

I aim and see Collin and Dylan stand to run, hiding behind a corner, but Collin hesitates to leave me.

"Run!" I yell and stand to aim. Collin still hesitates, and I yell again when I see a man running for them, "D*** it, run!"

I shoot the man down before he gets to them and they finally take off running. Standing was a fatal mistake. One of them shoots and gets me just below my right hip, causing me to fall. I groan in pain at the fact I can't stand at the moment.

I pull my pistol when I hear them trying to break the door down. I look left and see and emergency exit, probably to a ladder leading down the building. I try to stand but it hurts my leg and hip too badly.

I settle on crawling and make sure the rifle is strapped to my back. I finally make it when I hear the desk repeatedly screeching across the ground and someone yells, "I'm gonna get you for that you little-"

I'm not even going to listen to the rest. He continues to rant and even call me some names I didn't know existed.

I push the door open and see it leads to a ladder, just like I thought. I climb with two arms and one leg, making sure to close the door behind me to confuse them, and let my right leg dangle the whole way down. It may have taken some extra arm strength, but that was better than the pain.

I reach the bottom and end up limping on one leg, supporting myself on the brick wall of the building. One of the men rounds the corner, but before he even has the chance to yell I aim and shoot, causing him to fall.

Suddenly someone yells, "Infected!" And I hear the truck pull out and leave. Oh no.

Luckily the Grounders, well, the Infected, don't notice me in the dark alleyway as they target the noise making Hunters.

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