Chapter 14: KAZ-2Y5

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Chapter 14: KAZ-2Y5

(Author's Note: Special shout out to Oreo360!! I'm dedicating one of my best chapters to my best friend! Happy Early Birthday Sis!! And I "won't" get you anything:D )

Brittany's POV:

I start to cough as smoke clouds around the arena. I look and see one of the men that had the assault rifles had fallen and hit the concrete pretty hard. I run up to him and grab the rifle, then he grabs my hand suddenly. I take the butt of the gun and hit him in the head with no remorse.

I grab Jenny's arm and tell her, "Let's get out of here!" I have to yell over the chaos.

I go over to the open doors that held the Infected and see silver bars past the door that held them in a large cage. I shoot the lock and use my boot to kick the door so it doesn't burn me. I run through the doorway with Jenny on my tail. The halls are made of concrete as well, and I need to find a stairwell. We're still below ground.

A man rounds the corner and I aim the rifle, shooting him down. As Jenny and I bolt through the halls, I remember where I first woke, and try to backtrack to there. I remember Hades coming through the door beside the cells, so that should be an exit.

We finally find it and I run to the door, having to shoot the lock again.

"What is your name?" Jenny asks suddenly, making me freeze right before I go through the door.

I look at her and reply, "Brittany Slater."

"You don't act like a Slater." She replies.

"Yeah, and as of now, I'm just Brittany. Now lets go." I reply, urgently trying to ditch the conversation. She stays close to me as we run up the stairs. I think back and wonder who on earth called my name. I wonder if one of the guys showed, or got caught.

Once we get to the top, we come out to the very top where the gun fight is. We can either go towards that, or into another hallway on the right. Or, we can go for the emergency door. I go to push it, but it's locked and this door has no lock to shoot. Who locks an emergency door?!

Suddenly another explosion goes off, but it doesn't sound as bad as the one from the gas. Sounds like a grenade.

Jenny begins to cough hard and I'm not doing well either. Maybe we can make it around the fighting and to the wall that exploded. The gas pipe left a gaping hole that leads outside, I can tell because of the light emitting from it.

Smoke fogs the place and it's hard to see very far in front of you. I grab Jenny and we go back to the hallway, there has to be another way out. There are so many bullets flying and you can't even tell who's shooting at who.

At the end of the hallway is a door, and we have no choice but to go through it. It opens to a huge storage room, kind of like the one's you would see in the back of a supermarket. Food, ammo, weapons, clothes and some other materials like metal.

There are about fifteen men shooting at each other. Hades being one of them. His Pack is shooting at.. Jax? Jax and a few other men I've never seen. He has a lot of nerve taking this man on.

"The man in the black jacket, see him?" I ask Jenny. She nods, "We're going to get to him and you'll stay with him." I tell her.

She nods and I bolt to him with her, running behind multiple crates in order not to get shot. I get to Jax and he yells over the gunfire, "It's about time I found your a**! Now lets get out of here!"

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