Werewolves Really?

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(Landon at the top)
When i woke up i was a big bed that im guessing is a queen size and Ryden's room because it smells like cedar and raspberry. Lets review our situation here, my wolf or at least what i thought was my wolf is actually a...a werewolf and i just got kidnapped.

I have to get out of here werewolves are not natural this is just a dream. Walking over to the windows i find they're all locked, yay looks like that game with a teddy bear named Freddy except I'm not locked in a house with a possessed  teddy bear that little kids love to cuddle with at night im locked in a house with a werewolf.

The room I'm in is painted in light blue, had a black soft fur carpet and a black ceiling with painted stars that looked unbelievably real. The bed was pushed against the wall in the corner with a door at the foot of the bed that i discovered is a massive walk in closet. On the wall that the head was touching is a door that lead into a long hall.

The wall next to that had shelves with pictures frames, next to the web of shelves was a door leading into a massive master bathroom with lightning black opal tiles making the shower walls. Beside the bathroom door was a large dresser with a gaint flat screen tv mounted on the wall above the bed. Walking back to the second door I opened and walked out and found more doors.

I opened the door across from me and walked in to find Bella still asleep. "Bella wake up we have to go!" you know what she did next? She threw a pillow at me, oh sorry I disturbed your sleep. "Bella theres bacon in the kitchen." "Where's the bacon?" She asked immediately sitting up. "Bell come on we've been kidnapped." I'm willing to bet it all just hit her beacause she suddenly got wide eyes and started breathing heavily. I finally managed to pull her out of bed and walk to the end of the hall coming to a flight of stairs going down.

When we got close to the bottom we heard voices that I recognized as Ryden and someone else. "Ryden you know alpha Jameson will be attacking our pack soon to get to luna."  "Yes I know Landon but he will not get anywhere her." After that we kind of zoned out and started making an escape plan. "Okay Bell if we can just get to the door then we're home free and just run as far as we can then when we need to stop we'll climb a tree so they won't find us." I whispered while she nodded. We quietly walked to the door making our way outside. Luckily we were still in the same clothes as yesterday and had our shoes making it a lot easier to run.

As soon as our feet hit the grass we sprinted for it making it to the tree line a quarter of a mile away from the house before we heard one howl and one roar. You can guess which one was Ryden, I sure can. If anything those howls made us run even faster at speds that were pure adrenaline.

We were just in the forest when we were both tackled Ryden and I'm guessing Landon in wolf form. Most people  would have started crying in our situation, like how bella is now, but people who look trouble in the face shrug and say 'oh well' and do it anyway like slowly put their hand on their kidnapper's wolf head, what I'm doing right now, and then bust out crying and by bust i mean one or two small tears.

"I trusted you wolf and human. Then you go kiss that witch. Even after you know everything she's done to me how could you? You lied to me I thought you were a wolf then I thought you were a human. You tricked me you-" I was interrupted by shadow pushing me on my back and laying on top of me covering my head with his. I always thought it would be cool to have a real life Aslan, to have some animal that could talk and was big and cuddly and had soft warm fur but now that's actually a reality it's kind of scary.

"Nicole I'm sorry you saw that. She had surprised me I didnt know what to do, I don't have any feelings for her just you. I loved you from the moment I saw you that's why I didn't tell you. I didnt want to scare you away. I can't live with out you Nicole, do you remember those werewolf books you like to read?"

Ryden asked who was now in human form, to make matters worse, last time he shifter he was near a dresser with clothes now there's nothing of the sort sadly. Meaning he's completely naked. The embarrassing things always happen to me. "Yes." "Those books are surprisingly accurate. Mates are short for soulmates and you are my mate. If I am ever separated from you my wolf will drive me crazy to the point of death. I love you, I knew that the moment I caught your scent."

"Thats great and all but it would be easier for me to want to be around you if you had some clothes." I kind of felt bad because he just confessed his love for me and I sent him away but to be fair he is completely Naked! He gave me a slightly hurt look before walking behind a tree.

That was when I took the time to see Bella talking and laughing with guy in Orange basketball shorts with brown short messy hair, brown eyes and very muscular but not as big as Ryden. Well that escalated quickly. Once Ryden's back he has a lot of explaining to do.

Or So I Thought.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ