Mood. Killer.

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Dedicated to the dedication.
Oh and my annoying best bud 123lexi7  thank you for playing the annoying part of Bella Roberts endless rambling (and the tiniest part of Nicole's).

"The Great Prophecy." Once those words had left my mouth Bell's face  immediately turned serious. "What does it say?"   "I dont know the print is all smeared I cant read it." I said getting frustrated.

"Okay lets just think about this before you start destroying stuff. So the letters are practically glowing so it has to be magic meaning there has to be a way to reverse it."

"Like a cloaking spell?" "Yeah exactly like that, wait how do you know it's The Great Prophecy if you can't read it?" "I don't know it just screamed 'The Great Prophecy'." "How does a scroll scream 'The Great Prophecy'?" "How does a door call us in to a hidden room." I asked watching her eyes light up then dim as she stayed silent.

"Exactly," Ha I won. "so here's what we need to d-" "Well maybe we just need to get something to eat?" I gave bell an irritated look. "Hey! What?! Maybe your vision is blurring because your hungry?" "As I was saying!" I practically yelled that at her then mumbled under my breath "before you interrupted me by thinking about food..."

"Whoa  hey come on now I don't think about food all the time." I glared at her while saying, "oh really?" "Um yeah!" "Oh, please continue." I said sarcastically looking back at the scroll. "Oh Ok!! Well first off weirdly I can never stop thinking about Landon, and the fact that he hasn't even marked me yet! Like really what are you waiting for dude! But then you know I always have to find the right outfit and the perfect shoes to match! And then I just have to know what food I'll be eating next and then-"

While flinging my hands like a crazy person, I yelled, "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!!" Bell just stood there with your hand to her chest faking being hurt as she said, "well the question is do I ever even talk?" I looked at her in the eyes and yelled.

"The question is do you ever stop talking?!" "Um yeah I just answered that question for you! If you didn't get it that means yes." "Just. Shut. Up! Bell our future is written on this scroll and all you can think about is food?" "Why don't we just take the scrolls?"

"Because then Ryden and Landon would see it, want to know where it came from, want to know where this room is and ultimately want to destroy everything in here to protect us from the inevitable. There will be a war, there will be a death, either Ryden or his brother and we will be apart of that whether he likes it or no- why the heck has he not told me he has a brother not to mention an evil one?"

"Ask him about it." "I can't do that in case you haven't been paying attention." "And why is that?" "How in the world would I possibly know he has a brother he has said nothing about." "Back to the scroll." "Right so we can't take it back with us so we need to sneak out of bed without waking our mates up and come back here tonight." "Okay sounds like a plan lets go we've been gone to long already."

After closing the door and pushing the book shelf back in place we ran back to the kitchen. Well as close as we could before we both ran into the wall around the corner nearly ten feet away from the book shelf, but then walls don't move and I know for a fact this wall wasn't here earlier and that all I want to do is run my hands up and down it telling me this wall is not a wall at all but Ryden.

"Um hi babe whatcha doing?" Bell asked Landon who was now crossing his arms over his chest and responded to her earlier question. "Well we've been in the kitchen for about five minutes and you too never showed up so we came looking for you. Where were you two?" "Um we got lost."

I said rubbing Ryden's shoulders and giving my best 'I love you please no more questions' look. "How did you get lost didn't you to take a tour this morning?" Ryden asked pulling away from me shivering from my touch, hmm I'll remember that. "Fine we were talking about girl stuff did you kno-"

I was rudely interrupted by my mate. "How's hungry maybe after we eat we can shift and go for a run?" Bell and I locked gazes grinning before running to the kitchen with the guys right behind us.

After cleaning away the table and dishes we walked out side towards the forest. I quickly walked behind a tree but stopped when I realized something. "Um Ryden?" Apparently Bell had been wondering the same because I faintly heard her ask Landon the same thing.

"Just relax, close your eyes and let your wolf take over." Ryden said kissing my head before hiding behind a tree where I heard the distinct sound of bones snapping. After stripping my clothes I did as Ryden said and heard my bones snapping in place.

I picked my clothes up in my mouth and walked over to where Ryden was sitting.
"You are the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen." He said once he saw me and trotted over to me, nuzzling my neck and snapping at my ears playfully.

"Thank you but I thought my first shift would hurt."  "When you had drank that elixir of your parents you shifted then, that was why it hurt so much." "Okay well...catch me if you can!"

Ryden was right behind me the whole time snapping at my tail until the finally I had suddenly stopped before he could and body slammed him making him roll a few times before he looked at me with his head cocked and belly still touching the ground.

I had been sitting on my hind legs licking my paw and staring at him through the corner of my eyes wen suddenly my back was on the ground and Ryden was standing on top of me. "I caught you."

He said while licking the underside of my jaw. "Oh really?" Before he could process what I meant I pushed him away and pinned him to the ground. "You were saying, love?" I said licking his neck and jaw when once again I was tackled to the ground this time by Bell.

When I stood up again I looked over at Ryden who still had his paws in the air with a dreamy and dazed look on his face. But Bell, Bella had a wolf grin on her face as she sat down staring at me.

"Hey just keeping this pg-13." I'll kill her, I'm going to kill her. I thought as I stalked towards her growling lowly successfully getting Ryden's and Bell's attention.

I was just about to reach her when Landon came and picked her neck up in his jaws and walked of after muttering his apologies through the pack bond carrying a snarling Bell. By this time I had laid down putting my head on my paws and closing my eyes.

"Whats wrong Babe?" I opened my eyes to look at Ryden who was laying beside my with his tail wrapped around me like a safety blanket and big blue eyes looking back at me. "Mood. Killer."

I said before standing up and walking towards the house with Ryden who kept licking my cheek. Finally I found the tree that had my clothes and with a little of Ryden's help shifted back and walked back to the house wrapped in Ryden's arm.

Quickly brushing my teeth and changing into some shorts and tank top I climbed in bed with Ryden with one last thought before falling asleep. In a couple of hours Bell and I will sneak out to a hidden room to face the unknown.

Or So I Thought.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat