Chapter 7

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I just ignored the boys as I looked for what I wanted to eat. They boys were talking about something but I could care less what it was. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the waitress walking over to us.

"Hi, I'm-" She began to say before I cut her off.

"Candy." I growled.

"Yeah, how'd you... Breanne?" She asked looking at me, well glaring.

"So we meet again." I smirked leaning back in my seat.


"I thought you were in jail." Candy spat.

"And I thought you were working on street corners. Guess we were both wrong." I replied. Her glare became angrier as I said that.

"Whatever bitch. What can I get you guys." She asked smiling 'seductivley' at Kyle, Rage, Hayden, and parker.

"Chocolate Chip Pancakes." They all said at the same time. 

"Okay, and to drink?" She had that smile on her face still. If only I could punch it off her. 



Chocolate Milk."


The four boys said. Their faces were a mix of caution and amusment.

"And what would you like, Breanne." Her smile turner fell, and she glared daggers again.

"I'd like toast, orange juice, and a new waitress please." I smiled innocently up at her.

"Yeah, yeah, coming right up." She huffed and walked away, swaying her hips a little too much.

Once she was out of ear shot the questions were fired at me.

"How the hell do you know her?" Rage asked lookin in her direction.

"We went to school together. She dropped out because she was pregnant or something." I explained as I leaned back with my hands behind me head.

"Ah, so she'd be your old schools whore." Hayden stated.

"Oh yah. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a guy that didn't get something from her." I laughed a little thinking of all the guys she actually fucked.

Parker's face scrunched up like a little pug dog. "Ewwy! STD alert!"

"That's my little Parker!" I laughed messing up his hair.

"Here's your food guys." Candy popped up beside out table out of no where. She had undone her button on shirt a little while she was gone. As she leaned over the table to give Hayden his food, her boobs almost fell out of her shirt. 

"You might want to consider doing you shirt up a little." Kyle told her, trying hard not to laugh. She sent him a dirty look before quickly handing him his food.

"The least you could do is wear a bra." Rage added as she put his plate infront of him. Again she shot a dirty look in Rages direction and started to walk away.

"Excuse me, where's my food?" I asked in my sweet innocent voice.

"I decided to do you a favor and not order it for you." She smirked over her shoulder.

My mouth dropped. She did not just call me fat.

"Bree, don't listen to her. Your not fat in the least!" Parker said trying to calm me down.

"I don't fuckin' care." I said going to stand up, my hands curled into tight fists, but Kyle pulled me back down sitting.

"It's not worth it, let's just get out of here." He reasoned.

"Not worth it? I got harrased by Candy all through highschool, but her dad's a fuckin' cop so I couldn't do anything about it! Still think it's not wroth it?" I asked finishing my little rant.

"Yes I still think it's not worth it. We don't need you getting suspeneded or expelled on your first week." Kyle said seriously. Parker, Hayden and Rage just nodder their heads in agreement.

"But this is out of school, how can they punish you?" I asked skeptically.

"If you fought Candy here the Police would be called." Hayden said.

It still didn't make sence to me. "And?" 

Parker sighed, "If you get in trouble with the police while your at Reids, then you get suspended or expelled depending on why the Police had to get called."

"Oh." I said angrily, as I slouched in my seat and watched the boys eat.

"Bree, you want my pancakes? I'm done." Parker said pushing his plate with a full pancake and half of another one.

"I sure do!" I said as I started eating the half pancake.

"How do you think that Candy chick ended up here?" Rage asked randomly.

"Hell if I know dude." I replied. The possibilities were endless of why she was here.

"I was just wondering." Rage said a little defensivley. I just shrugged my shoulders and pushed the plate away.

"There's still a whole pancake left." Hayden pointed out.

"And your point?" 

"I just thought you'd be hungry." He shrugged. I knew there was more to his words but didn't question him about it.

"So are we just going back to school or chillin' around town for a bit?" Kyle asked after everyone paid for the bill.

"Any good stores here?" I asked.

"Theres a forever 21, a hottopic, and a Tillys." Parker said excitedly.

"Sweet, to those stores it is then!" I exclaimed running towards the car and getting into the fron seat. 


"Damn Bree! You can fuckin' shop!" Hayden excaimed as he looked at all the bags on my bed.

"This is on a slow day." I smirked. Hayden just shook his head and walked away.

"I'm not the only one who bouch a bunch of stuff!" I yelled after him. Parker almost bought as much as I did.

"Hey, clothes are cool." Parker shrugged setting all his bags down.

"Nobody said they weren't." Rage said putting his stuff in the closet. 

"Hayden's never happy when we go shopping." Parker pouted.

"Hayden's only happy when he's buying hats." I pointed out.

"AM NOT!"" Hayden yelled from the living room area.

"ARE TOO!" Parker, Hayden and I yelled back.

"Well, I'm going for a run, anyone want to come?" I asked.

"No way." Parker said shaking his head vigurously.

"Ha, no." Rage said dragging out the word 'no'.

"Suit yourself fatties." I shrugged heading to the bathroom to change.

I put on and walked back to the room and threw my other clothes on my bed.

"See you guys later!" I yelled as I ran out the door. 

I turned my ipod on and put the head phones in my ears. Music is my life. 

I kept running around the school's track. It was boring but I didn't know where else to run. I closed my eyes for a moment and then ran straight into someone.

"What the hell dude?" I asked as I took my ipod out of my bra and paused it. When I looked up to see who it was, I saw Clayton's dark brown eyes looking at me.

"Should have known it was you." I grumbled standing up.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He smirked.

"Id be happier if you were someone else." I replied venomously.

"Awe come on babe, you know you want me." He said softly, taking a few steps towards me.

"Like hell!" I yelled taking a step back. Clay grabbed my wrists though, so I couldn't move back to far.

"Someone's play hard to get." Clay whispered as he pulled my closer to him. We were only centimeters apart  and I hated it.

"Clayton, let me go." I said sternly, looking into Clays eyes. 

"I don't think you want me too." He replied with a smirk. He pulled me even closer to him if it was possible. My mind was racing trying to figure out what to do next. I needed to getout of his grip but how...?

"Clay, let. Me. Go." My voice was dangerous. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glarring more than daggers, probably more like glaring machettes or something.

"Nah, I'm good." He whispered in my ear. He bagan to leave little kisses down my jaw. Once he got to my lips, I kissed back. 

At first I knew he was surprised because his grip on my wrists loosened, just as I had hoped. I took my oportunity and drew my first back. It hit him in the guy.

"Ow, what the fuck?" He yelled taking a few steps back from me.

"Wanna try kiss me again?" I asked sweetly, but I had a smirk on my face so all innocents was lost.

"No, I'd rather fight you." He said quietly, but I heard the danger dripping from his voice.

Seconds later he launched himself at me, fists flying. One of his punches connected with my ribs. I punched him in the nose and blood started to pour out.

"Going for the vonerable spots are you?" Clay taunted as he pushed my on the ground and got ontop of me, still punching me.

I didn't reply, just gave him another good punch to the gut. He groaned and let his defences down for a second. I took that second to flip him off me and onto the ground. I got ontop of him, pinning his arms to his sides with my legs.

"You wanna keep fighting me?" I asked angrily. 

"That depends, do you want to kiss me?" He replied with a smirk.

"Like hell I want to kiss you."

"Then Yes I do." 

And with that he somehow kicked my in the back of the head. I fell of him and he stood up, bring me with him. 

"Kiss me." Clay demanded.

"No." I replied simply.

He brought his fist back and punched my square in the jaw. I didn't flinch, just stood there.

"Kiss me." He demanded again, this time there was more venom in my voice.

"What part of 'No' do you not understand?" I spat.

"The word no isn't in my dictionary." He whispered angrily, punching me once again, but this time it hit me in the stomach. That was the final straw, I wasn't going to take this anymore.

I jerked myself out of Clays grip and punched him in the face. He mumbled something incoherent and I punched him again, this time in the gut. He doubled over in pain. I elbowed him in the back and he fell to the ground.

I knelt down beside him, "I hope you learned a lesson." I smirked and stood up again.

"Next time, I wont go easy on you." Clay chocked out from the ground. 

"Sure you wont." I laughed over my shoulder.


"Bree! What is your face, and ribs, and stomach bruised, and your face is cut?! What happened?!" Parkar asked in a panic. There was fear and worry etched in his cute, innocent, face.

"Parker it's okay, I'm fine. Just got in a fight." I assured him. He still looked scared though.

"With who." He asked, his voice was murderous.

"Clayton." I said quietly.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Parker yelled as he stomped towards the door.

"No! Parker stop!" I pleaded grabbing him arms to keep him from leaving. "please just stay here with me."

His face softened considerbly, "Okay, come here. We have to get you cleaned up."

"Okay." I said softly as he took my hand and led me towards the bathroom.

"Sit." He ordered poiting at the vanity. I obliged and sat down. Parker grabbed a wash cloth from under the sink and put rubbing alchohal on it. 

"So why did you guys fight this time?" Parker asked quietly dabbing the cloth on my face. I winced.

"He stood infront of me when i was running, and then he kissed me."


"Parker calm. I didn't kiss him back though. Then I punched him, he punched me." Parker still looked like he was going to murder Clay.

"So where are the guys?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Dunno, probably went for a smoke." Parker said. His voice was still hard and cold.

"Well I think thats all the blood off your face now." Parker said after a moment of silence.

"Thanks bud." I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back. When we pulled away we just sat there looking at eachother. His eyes were nervous, but I wasn't sure why.

Then he started to lean in towards me, his eyes closed. I copied him and we met halfway. At first the kiss was slow and sweet, but quickly turned into a heated make out session. 

I wrapped my legs around Parkers waist. He went to pick me up but grabbed on my ribs where it was bruised.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm SO sorry!" Parker apologised.

"No need to be sorry." I said a little embarrased about what just happened.

"I shouldn't have kissed you, you probably don't even like me. What if the guys find out? And I hurt you just now, and I feel bad. And Rage said that-" Parker was rambling on so I put a finger over his mouth to silence him.

"Parker, it's fine. If you didn't notice, I kissed back, so obviously I like you." I laughed a little. Parkers face went from extreme worry and anxiety to excitment and relief.

"But what about the guys?" Parker asked, the worried face was back.

"Parker, we aren't even going out, chill." 

"Well, do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

"Yes!" I squealed and hugged Parker.

"So now what if the guys find out?" He asked, me still in his arms.

"Let them find out. Who cares?" I whispered into his chest, he smelled like chocolate Axe.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." Parker whispered. He kissed the top of my head.

"Thank-you Parker." I smiled.

Almost killing that guy was the best thing I could have ever done.

Alone In A Sea of BoysUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum