Chapter 4

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"I really need to start exercising," Dani whispered to herself as she finally walked up the steps that led into her apartment building, trying to catch her breath. Her throat burned and she was sweating. Running from Detective Jax Michaels definitely took a strain on her. She took a deep breath as she prepared to climb the stairs to the fourth floor which housed her apartment.

When she had first moved into the semi-dilapidated building, her landlord had warned her, "There are no elevators or fancy cabinets but if you want a roof over your head for cheap, you aren't going to find a better place. There's a greenhouse on the roof if you like plants but it's dangerous up there since we don't have a rail to stop someone from falling. As for your neighbors, make friends with them but don't trust them. I don't discriminate against my tenants so if they look suspicious they probably are."

That was five years ago and Dani still lived in the same apartment with cheap cabinets and lousy neighbors. She couldn't afford anything else. She made a call to Dolores and told her she'd head back to the diner after she calmed down. She was about to put her phone away when her body was slammed against the wall.

"Oh no! Dani, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there," an apologetic voice said as two hands pulled her forward.

Dani groaned as she tried to catch her breath. "Everyone keeps touching me today."

"What did you say?"

Dani looked up into the green eyes of her neighbor, Billy Gearson. His mop of dusty brown hair would have covered his eyes if it weren't for his signature red glasses.

"It's okay, Billy. It was an accident."

"I'm sorry. I'm late for class and I didn't want Derek to get after me," Billy explained.

Derek was Billy's roommate. They never admitted it, but Dani thought they were actually dating. She didn't care for Derek. He was a narcissist as well as a bully and by the way he always nervously said Derek's name, Billy seemed frightened of him.

"Derek's not at work?"

"He took a couple of days off." Billy quickly looked towards their door. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You still haven't left, Billy-boy?" a deep voice called out.

Billy practically squeaked, "Derek?"

"I told you to hurry and move your ass or you'd be late to class." Derek came forward, his muscles barely contained in the small black shirt he was wearing. "Do I need to carry you to class?"

Billy gave a nervous glance in Dani's direction. "Stop it, Derek," he whispered.

Derek shoved Billy against the wall, causing him to drop his book bag. "What did you say?" His face was centimeters from Billy's.

Dani wasn't sure if being pushed around was their type of foreplay but she felt uncomfortable and cleared her throat. "Well you two look busy, so I'll be on my way. Are you okay, Billy?"

Billy gave a lopsided smile and nodded before Dani felt comfortable enough to leave. If Derek was really hurting him, he would have said something.

"Are you going to do something if he's not?" Derek asked.

"Derek," Billy whispered, shaking his head.

"Be quiet," Derek hissed. "She's always being nosy. Never minding her own business." Derek turned to Dani. "Are you interested in Billy? Are you feeling lonely and think he's going to ask you out?"

"Please, stop it," Billy begged.

Dani rolled her eyes. "What does it matter to you how I feel? Are you jealous or something? Why are you always bullying him? Billy didn't do anything for you to push him up against the wall."

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