Chapter 7

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"Dani, why don't you wear make-up? Pretty waitresses get bigger tips," Oliver Lee, the owner of King's Diner passed a tube of name-brand concealer to Dani after making her follow him to his office behind the kitchen.

"Oliver, I know you mean well but has no one ever told you that you're not supposed to tell a woman she needs to wear make-up?" Dani asked as her hands wrapped around the tube of expensive concealer. "Besides I'm already wearing make-up."

An awkward moment of silence passed before Oliver squinted his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Dani said.

Oliver had no tact but he really did care about her. He was like that aunt that pointed out a new pimple or some extra weight around your waist that you already knew about.

"Dolores told me you needed some concealer to date a hot cop," Oliver whispered.


Oliver's eyebrows wiggled up and down, "You finally found someone. I'm so excited for you, Dani! We can cater your wedding for free. I have been wanting to try a peanut butter banana wedding cake. We can even try a jelly filling if you want."

"Whoa...wait a minute. Let's not get ahead of ourselves...or go crazy," Dani said. "Since this hot cop is a total figment of Dolores' imagination."

"Imagination? She insisted that you met someone."

"I did but he's not my boyfriend or anything remotely close to that. He was a detective that accused me of being involved with a murderer. It wasn't exactly a romantic meeting or love at first sight."

"That's too bad," Oliver frowned. "I really wanted to walk you down the aisle."

Dani wished she could hug the older man she'd known most of her life, "You're so sweet Oliver...but I don't see myself getting married anytime soon. I may never get married."

"Don't say that. You'll find the one. I just know it."

"You always know what to say. Thank you, Oliver."

"For what?"

"Being like a dad to me. You and Dolores are like family to me. You know that, right?"

"I know," Oliver sighed. "You're like a daughter to me. A sometimes cranky daughter...but still a daughter. If you ever need anything, let me know."

She risked it then. She gave Oliver a quick hug before walking towards the exit, "I'll keep this concealer since you bought it but I just need some sleep. Like a week's worth of sleep."

Dani was still smiling as she walked back to the serving area and picked up a pot of coffee. She scanned the crowd to see Belcher and Freddy sitting at the counter talking with Dolores.

"I'm telling you that a big brother is overrated," Belcher said. "Girls these days just need to carry a weapon or something."

"What if he takes the weapon and uses it on them?" Freddy asked, pointing at the article detailing the latest victim of the Maestro. "Women need someone to watch over them."

"That's so old-school, Freddy. I'm telling you from experience that brothers suck. If I was a girl, I'd rather carry some numb chucks around than expect a brother to protect me."

Dolores saw Dani and patted her gray hair down before nudging her head towards a booth at the far right of the diner. Dani's eyes traveled that way to see Detectives Jax Michaels and Roberto Montoya.


She trudged her way to the booth and forced a smile, "Coffee?"

"Yes please," Roberto answered.

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