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^^ Me talking about feeling Shawn's abs when we meet


"Okay I know I've been playing it cool this entire ride up the terrain," Shawn says quietly, turning to face you from the driver's seat, "But Y/N, I am so, scared."

"Scared of what? It's hiking," You laugh, gazing out your window at the scenery of Colorado. You and Shawn had decided to take a vacation, and today was your adventure day in the state.

"I don't know, what if I fall down the mountain? It could happen. Or more importantly, what if you fall down the mountain? God! Or if we see a bear or something? I don't like bears."

"Shawn, calm down! Remember what the guide said on the brochure? There are no bears or any other vicious animals in this area."

"What about raccoons?" He bites his lip. "Those are in this area."

You snort. "Yeah, okay, Shawn, when you get attacked by a raccoon in broad daylight give me a shout and I'll be there to give you a bandaid."

"Your sarcasm physically hurts my chest."

You roll your eyes and unbuckle your seatbelt, climbing out of Shawn's car and waiting for him to follow.

"Be a man," You tease.

He furrows his eyebrows. "I am a man!"

"Then you can hike with me, right?"

He pauses, leaning against the hood of the car and kicking a rock around.

"Fine," He gives in. "Only because we're doing it together."

"Of course," You laugh, taking his hand in yours. "And if we get lost and it starts raining, it'll rain on us both."

"That was probably meant to freak me out," Shawn follows you away from the car, "But it actually makes me feel really safe."

"Me too," You grin as the two of you make your way to the side of the mountain, hand in hand, each of you carrying backpacks holding food so you can picnic after you have been hiking for long enough.

You begin on one side, that wasn't very steep, and start walking behind each other, Shawn in front, as you make your way to the other side.

You pull out your cell phone and take a picture of Shawn walking in front of you, since it looked really aesthetic with all the plants and trees and rocks surrounding him.

As you were putting your phone away, you quickly feel your right foot hook onto something hard as you trip over it, sudden pain shooting up your leg as you land rather ungracefully on your stomach.

"Ow!" You yell, reaching for your foot.

"Y/N!" Shawn turns around, running toward you and grabbing your arm as he crouched down next to you. He helps you sit up and unhooked your foot from the tree root, slightly grazing his fingers over the gash that was left in its place.

"Damnit," You slap his hand away on accident, clenching your teeth.

"I'm sorry," He says quickly, sliding one arm around your waist and softly pressing his fingers to your hip.

"That looks bad," He says. "I have a first aid kit in my bag, hold on."

He pulls his arms away from you and slings his backpack off his shoulder, unzipping it and rummaging through it until he pulled out a clear plastic box with a red plus sign on it.

He opens it up and cleans the wound, pulling your shoe off to make it easier. You balance most of your weight on his shoulder, since you were still on a slanted hill, but the part you were on was a lot flatter than the drop off below you.

After a little blood was wiped away, it didn't look that bad. He just wrapped some gauze around it before slipping your shoe back on and looking up at you.

"All better," He smiles.

"Thank you," You snake your fingers from his shoulder to the back of his neck, letting your fingers explore past his hairline.

"You know," You say quietly, "You were so scared something was going to happen to me... or you. But when something did, you were like, really brave and did whatever you could to help."

"I was scared," He admits, his hand returning to your waist.

"You didn't show it."

He stares at you for a little while longer before a beautiful Shawn Mendes smile spreads across his face.

"Y/N," He says, "Have you ever made out with anyone on the top of a mountain?"

You smirk. "I don't think I have. Got any ideas, Mendes?"

His fingers press harder into you as he draws you closer, your chest pressed against his.

"I might have a few," He says before his parted lips meet yours slowly, his hands sliding up your back as his lips move up and down yours, giving you the warm, tingly feeling you always crave.

The kiss got heated, your mouths opening and closing as you run your fingers through his dark hair while your other hand goes deeper into the dirt and grass you were sitting on.

His hands slip beneath the hem of your t-shirt, slowly lifting it up.

"Wait," You pull away. "I realize you want to fck on a mountain, because I totally do too, believe me, but do you have... you know... ?"

"Yeah," He nods, his eyes widening as he reaches into his backpack beside him.

As soon as he lifts his hand, holding a foil pack between his thumb and his index finger, it seems to fly out of his grasp somehow and go flying down the cliff beside you, you and Shawn both turning your heads to watch as it hits rock after rock before disappearing from your view.

He turns to face you, holding in his laughter.

"Please tell me you have more?" You ask, followed by a hopeful giggle.

He presses his red lips together and shakes his head. "That was my last one."

"Hey Shawn, remember that time when you dropped our only condom down a mountain?" You kiss his cheek. "That's totally going on Twitter because I'm never forgetting this."


Sorry for any grammar mistakes lol I didn't proof read this bc I'm lazy af

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