Chapter 13-

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When we walk into the laboratory a young man in his mid-twenties is already waiting for us. He looks at me with curiosity when we enter and he is nothing like I expected him to be. I imagined him looking like a professor wearing a white coat, like they portray them in the movies. But he is dressed in some dark washed jeans with a loose fitting black shirt. His skin is dark and smooth and he has bright green eyes, which is an rare contrast to the rest of his body.

He introduces himself immediately as Slade and he offers me his hand, which I shake. I give him a polite smile in return, because I can not reckon his character yet.

"My name is Celia." I tell him as he lets go of my hand.

"I know, I know," he answers me, his eyes shine bright with excitement and the smile never leaves his face. He seems way too happy to see me and I con't know how to react to that.

"We can start immediately," he continues and run towards a strange-looking machine, pushing different buttons and levers.

There is a strange sound echoing through the room, but nobody except of me seems bothered by it. Suddenly also one of the walls begin to move and my eyes widen at the sight. Behind the wall a room is revealed. You can actually walk inside through a small door. However you can only see the room, because of a huge glass window.

Slade makes his way to the door and opens it for me to walk in. With a wave of his hand he gesture me to walk inside.

I hesitate for a moment and glance at the others. Kitty and Eric give me encouraging smiles, Reece and Juliette both nod at me to go on and Wyatt gives me a thumps up. So I take a deep breath and slowly walk through the door. Slade follows me inside and the closes the door behind us. The room is completely empty. No chairs, tables or other furniture.

The talking outside of the room starts immediately as Slade closes the door.

"What do you think is her power?" Wyatt asks in interest.

Slade notices me listening into their conversation and tells me with a grin, "Don't worry, we can listen to them, but they don't hear us."

I nod a bit relieved, because I feel more comfortable to talk to Slade in private.

"And what are we going to do now?" I ask him, blowing a strand of my hair aside, which has fallen into my eyes.

"First, I'm going to tell you some basic information about super humans," the man says, making himself comfortable by leaning against one of the walls and I do the same with the wall across of him.

And at the same time we move Kitty answers Wyatt's question outside.

"Maybe she is able to fly. I can picture it perfectly in my head," she says.

Flying? She really thought I could fly like a bird?

But instead of saying something to Kitty, which would be odd, because she can not hear me, I answer Slade.

"Alright, let's start."

"Well," he begins, scratching his head, "Where do I start? First you have to know that every power is unique and different. Not even your parents are able to do the same as you," he explains, and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"My parents?"

"Yes," he nods, "You are only superhuman, because one or both of your parents are superhuman too."

One or even both of my parents had superpowers. This information shocks me more than anything. A thought like that never crossed my mind. But it makes sense when I think about it. There has to be a reason why especially I have powers.

The perfect timing (In Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon