In The Hospital

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Author's note: I've always been curious: anyone have ideas for a cast list?


Julie's POV:

The faint glow of the television filled my room. Hunter had dosed off in my arms and Lina was struggling to stay awake. She was in the chair next to me and slipping through the channels. A stack of pillows were piled behind my back and a collection of tube and wires left my body. My chest burned with every breath I took.

"What's this?" Lina asked as she stopped on a news channel.

A woman with her hair pulled back into a tight bun and a mic in her hand were standing in front of the hospital. The story of Carrie and I had been circulating across the country. People wanted to see and know about the two girls who survived the "unimaginable."

Kenny had been coming in and out of my room all day with vases of flowers. Strangers had been sending them as an apology. They should be apologizing for what the world had done to me before I met Jimmy, not the odd punishment Jimmy gave me.

"A new update has been released on the case of Juliet Miller and Carolyn Bishop," she said. "Carolyn has released a statement saying, 'these men are vicious. Tommy spent nights telling me about all of the people he's killed. I can't sleep until I know they're caught.'"

"Lies," I said.

Lina looked over at me and then back to the television.

"Carrie is spending her last night in the hospital as she is being treated from the wounds she claims come from a whipping," the reporter said. "Juliet is facing much more serious injuries and has yet been able to speak to the police. They believe the mental trauma she is going through is much worse than the pain she's in."

"Why do you even watch this stuff?" Lina asked turning odd the TV.

"I need to know what they're saying."

I really only needed to know what Carrie had been saying. I was going to defend my family, but if I had to lie I didn't want to get caught. The officers had been in my room trying to talk to me, but thankfully Kenny shooed them out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lina asked me.

I shook my head and bit down on my lips.

"Are you sure? We used to tell each other everything, Jules," she said.

"Don't call me that," I snapped.

Lina's eyes grew wide. I have barley been able to raise my voice above a whisper since I woke up. The fear made me snap and now my chest burned in agony. Hearing that nickname made Tommy's grimacing face flash in my mind.

'I'm sorry," she said before swallowing hard. "I didn't mean to upset you."

I looked down at Hunter's sleeping face and kissed his forehead.

"Can you put him back in his crib?" I asked her. "I think I'll go to sleep now."

Lina nodded her head and lifted Hunter up out of my arms. Kenny had brought Hunter in with a crib so he could keep me company. I just couldn't get out of bed to pick him up whenever I liked.

I settled myself against the pillows. I had to be careful not to move my leg.

"I won't be here until the afternoon tomorrow," she said. "I have to get alterations done to my dress."

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