A Hideout

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Author's note: Sad to say the wait for updates is about to get even longer! I'm starting school next week, so I decided to write a quick update before going to work. I hope you all enjoy!


Jimmy's POV

I crumpled up the money and shoved it back in my pocket. I turned around as I pulled the hood tighter around my face. This man was going to call the cops in no time and explain to them what I looked like and where we're heading.

"Wait!" he yelled out.

His chair screeched as he got up. I looked over my shoulder to see him running toward me. I grabbed my pocketknife and spun around. His eyes grew wide when he saw the blade up against his chest.

"Don't tell anyone," he growled.

"No, no, no," he said shaking his head. "Why would I call the cops on you? You're a legend."


"I mean it's only been a few days, so you aren't one yet, but in a year – maybe even less – everyone is going to know who you are and what you've done to those girls."

I gritted my teeth together. This greasy, little rat stood at the other end of my knife with his lips curled into a smirk.

"I can help you," he said.

"How?" I asked.

I pressed the blade harder against his chest. He glanced down at the blade and then back up at me.

"My brother helps out guys like you," he said.

"Guys like me?" I repeated.

He nodded his head and held out his hands. I furrowed my eyebrows together. He must be trying to show me that he had no weapons on him.

"Lower the knife and we can talk," he said. "My name is Peter."

"No." I tightened my grip on the knife. "We're going to talk, but the knife isn't going anywhere."

"Fine then, Jimmy."

My heart jumped in my chest. I knew that Peter knew who I was, but hearing him say my name just confirmed it. News was spreading fast and Tommy and I needed a place to hide.

"My brother runs sort of a halfway house," he told me. "It's for guys jumping court dates, or guys who just hit their old lady and she called the cops on them. I know he'd make room for you and your brother. In fact, he'd be honoured to."


"Like I said, you two are going to be legends."

I looked over my shoulder to see the truck sitting next to the pump. Tommy had his head resting against the window. We weren't going to last long on our own, especially with his leg. We could pull off to the edge of the road and camp out in the tailgate with the sleeping bags Gabe gave us, but someone would see us. I wouldn't be able to pull Tommy far enough through the forest for us to sleep thee, and there would be nowhere to hide the truck.

"No one will know we're there?" I asked.

"He's had more than fifty people stay with him. Not on one of them have ever been caught," he said.

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