Allies: Part Four

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"My summons?!"

Bunko nodded in affirmative. "It's come to my attention that you're currently in need of one. And from what I've seen, me and my kind would be more than pleased to come to your aid if you need it."

"That—That'd be great!"

Bunko flew off Sakura's shoulder and landed on the ground next to a large scroll that suddenly appeared. It opened, showing a series of unrecognized red names. Sakura kneeled down on to the ground, bit her thumb, and wrote her name in the next blank space. She suddenly felt a twinge of regret as she remembered Katsuyu at the other slugs, but this was for the best. She couldn't afford to leave a trail where Konoha shinobi could find her.

'The trail is what you're worried about? What about what you've done to everyone that loved you?'

When the scroll disappeared, Bunko returned to her perch on Sakura's shoulder.

'Think about them. Don't you even realize what happened?'

"Where to next, Sakura-san?"

'Especially Naruto. He didn't deserve what you're doing to him.'

"... Benisu Island. It's northeast of Uzu no Kuni; among the cluster of islands."

'How can you live with yourself?'


They had absolutely no leads.

The way she disappeared was like she had never existed. Her apartment was barren and void of anything like a scent or chakra residue. The Inuzuka, the Hyuuga, and Kakashi had been ruled out of finding her. The last person to have spoken to her inside the village had been Shizune, and she the only think she knew was that one day she was here, and the next she was gone. Sakura hadn't been her normal self the last day anyone had seen her, but other than that, there was nothing. And Tsunade was starting to get frustrated.

"Dammit! Where they hell could she be? It's been over a month!"

She missed Sakura. Everyone did. It just wasn't like her to leave like out of the blue like that. All she wanted to do was bring her apprentice home, yell at her for making everyone worry so much, and reprimand the hell out of her for doing something. And the sooner she got back to Konoha, the more lenient the council would be on her punishment.

"Tsunade-sama, maybe you should summon Katsuyu-sama," Shizune suggested as she poured some tea. "Maybe she knows where Sakura-chan is."

"It's well worth a shot." the Hokage sighed. She bit her thumb and formed a series of hand seals. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Katsuyu appeared in her average form, taking up a good middle portion of Tsunade's desk. "Tsunade-hime," she greeted softly.

"Good afternoon, Katsuyu-sama," Tsunade said as she crossed her arms. "I don't know if you're aware, but Sakura's gone missing and we have absolutely no clue where she could be. Do you know anything about it?"

Katsuyu's feelers pointed down tentatively. "I regret to inform you that a little over a month ago, Sakura-chan officially revoked her contract with the slugs."

The temperature in the room dropped several degrees. Tsunade was silent, eyes shadowed and hands clenched so hard that her knuckles turned white. She was so engulfed in her refusal to accept what was told that she didn't notice the door open. Katsuyu solemnly continued.

"Sakura-chan isn't coming back—"


Naruto stood in the entrance of the office, Sakura's hitai-ate tight in his grip. "You're lying! Sakura-chan isn't like that!"

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