The Exchange Program

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Kakashi stared, startled at the ghost before him and the orange eye patch crumpled on the floor. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was completely awful, making him want to curl in on himself and slash down all his rising hopes. No, this couldn't be him. This person had half his body covered in scars and a hazel eye in place of where he tore his out


'Stop it, it's not him.'

Suddenly, he chuckled and forced a smile and his trademarked eye crinkle. "I think you've got the wrong guy. You can't possibly be..."

He trailed off when the man's black eye swirled into a bloody red, three tomoe steadily spinning. "It's me, Kakashi. Uchiha Obito," he said, "I didn't die under that boulder. For years, I spent recuperating and getting back to the way I was before the accident. But by the time I got better, it was too late. Too much time had passed and I just couldn't come back anymore!" Tobi couldn't muster up the will to continue at the obvious hurt bubbling up in Kakashi's eye. He picked up his eye patch and placed it in his pocket. The Hokage looked away. "I'm sorry, Kakashi."

When no more words were spoken, Tobi exhaled softly and left the office, closing the door with a soft click. He walked down the hallway on the vaguely familiar path to the hospital. He met Kabuto outside the doors, Kurenai standing a little ways off, minding her own business but no doubt listening intently.

"How did it go?"

"Not well," Tobi sighed. "He didn't believe me at first, but after explaining myself he couldn't look at me. But I expected something like this."

Kabuto pushed up his glasses. "There's a good chance he'll warm up to you eventually, so don't worry too much about it. Let's go, Tobi-san. There are still a few more things to go over."


"What... the hell... are you doing here, you bastard?"

Hidan turned around and bit into the steamed bun in his hand. Naruto stood there with clenched fists, bared teeth, and an impressive containment of his anger. He took another bit of his snack and his observed the jinchuuriki. It was his second day here and he was wondering when he'd come across the fox kid. "Yo."

"I asked you a question."

He mused at how he held himself. Before, he recalled that Naruto would let his rage get the best of him and that he would act on impulse nearly all the time. Now he saw the control the younger man was displaying to be very impressive.

"I guess you did," Hidan grinned. "Well I'm out here on a food run for pretty boy and I. Hospital work's tedious. Even we need to eat, y'know."

Naruto furrowed his brow. "The hospital? What are you talking about?" he asked. Hidan jerked his thumb to the hitai-ate around his neck and took a third bite of his bun.

"Ask about the Exchange Program because I sure as hell ain't taking the time to explain this long-ass deal to you. That and Itachi's gonna get pissed if I come back with cold dango..." He began his trek back to the hospital, grumbling under his breath. "... goddamn sure that fucker cheated during janken but nooo, we couldn't have any fucking do-over's..."

"Wait a minute!"

Hidan looked over his shoulder. "What?"

"Itachi," Naruto mentioned. "Did you just say the name Itachi?"

The ex-Akatsuki grinned, raising the hairs at the back of his neck. "Probably."

He continued walking and raised a hand to salute. Naruto wasted no time in bolting to Kakashi's office, Sasuke's upcoming predicament and the Akatsuki invading his mind.

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