5687- one

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'You wouldn't think that a girl as confident as I would even feel like she is falling apart. I never wanted to feel that way. I also wanted to be known as a powerful individual. But, because of the werewolf slavery, I am denied that power. Instead the humans are seen as powerful, and us werewolves are known as the weak. We never wanted it to be this way. After Kaily and Leo, all the werewolves started believing in themselves. That was until the humans started a rebellion against us. Burning our land and killing any injured, sick, or elderly that could not be used as slaves. That's were we are now. It's normal to everyone, being stolen away from our free lives to work for our greatest enemy. The way humans see it is that our lives don't matter. The owner of me and 499 other werewolves is the most evil of them all. He puts us through hell just to make himself, his guests, and his sons happy. His oldest son, Blake, is 18 years old and the perfect son for my owner Michael. He does everything his father does and laughs when one of us gets hurt. Michael's other son, Christian believes that this is all wrong. He's seven years old and smarter than any other human I've ever met. He believes that everyone should be equal, slavery should be dismissed, and our lives should go back to the way they used to be more than 200 years ago. As his nanny, I've taught him many things about werewolf history. Sometimes he wishes that he was born then, that he could be a werewolf, too. I know that if he was alive then, he...'

"Sky, father would like you to go make my dinner now," a young voice from behind me says. I set down my pen and close my journal, putting it under the floorboard. Christian, the boy who spoke quietly behind me, knew that I kept my journal there, and he swore not to tell anyone.

"I'll be right down Christian, why don't you go play with your toys in the living room while I go make you and your brother dinner," I say, standing up from the hard wooden floor.

"Blake isn't here tonight, he's out with his new girlfriend," Christian says, hurt that his brother would rather spend time with a girl than his younger brother.

"It's okay, we'll have fun together," I say smiling, putting my small hands on his back to lead him out the door.

I walk close behind him, leading him towards the elevator to go up to the kitchen. The bottom three floors are all small rooms for the 500 slaves. The next two floors are just storage, Then there's the main level, which has the main entrance to the mansion and is the first above ground floor, then the guest rooms floor. The third floor is where Christian and Blake's rooms are. The fourth and final floor is Michael's room. No one is allowed up there and if the slaves are even seen past the guest rooms they get punished. The only exception is for me, I have to go up to Christian's floor because I am his nanny.

"I'll meet you up in the kitchen, okay?" I say to Christian as he's getting into the elevator. He frowns and stop's the doors from closing.

"If you have to take the stairs I'll take the stairs," he says, stepping out of the elevator. I smile at the young child. Looking deep into his eyes, I know that in his future he will do wonderful things. I kneel next to him so my eyes are matching his, "Christian, did you know that you are the most amazing seven year old I've ever met?" I say, grabbing his hands.

He hugs me tight, nuzzling his head into my neck. "Come on, let's go make you your dinner," I say, grabbing his hand and walking towards the stairs. Slaves are put on a floor according to their rank in the house. Those of the lowest rank are put on the very bottom, but those of the higher rank are put on the higher floor. My room is on the higher floor, considering I am Christian's nanny so I have a higher rank.

As Christian and I make it to the main level with the kitchen, I notice many of the slaves cleaning. I wave to my friends, smiling gently. Every chance we get, we spread happiness. Werewolves are living in a time of destruction and sadness. With every ray of sunshine we feel one step closer to reaching our peace with the humans.

"So, Christian, what would you like to eat," I say as we step onto the cold marble floor of the kitchen. Werewolves aren't allowed to wear socks or shoes, and barely get any clothes. The females wear black shirts that reach right at the top of their thigh with a white short sleeved v-neck shirts. The men wear more clothes than the women are allowed. They wear long black pants with a white button down shirt. Of course, these clothes were given to us when we first arrived and are only given the one set, so most are torn up from over wearing them and the white has turned to more of a light tan color.

"I'll eat whatever you make me, Sky. Everything you make is delicious," he says smiling at me and taking a seat on the other side of the counter where the stools are.

"How about some breakfast for dinner?" I ask, pulling the pancake mix out of the closet. I look over and see a handsome seven year old boy with bright eyes nodding excessively. "I knew this is what you would want," I say, opening the box of pancake mix.

After I finish making his pancakes, eggs, and bacon I set the plate down in front of him. I sit down next to him with a plastic cup filled with tap water in my hand. I sip while watching him devour the the dinner I had made him.

"Sky," he says with a mouth full of pancake mixed with syrup, "why don't you eat some." He says, pointing to the extra food I left on glass plates covered with foil.

"Sweetheart, you know that I'm not allowed to eat at this time of day. I only get two meals a day and I already had them both," I say, grabbing him a glass of water filled with water from the filtered container.

"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone," he say's, handing me one piece of bacon at a time. Of course, as soon as I start eating my first piece, the front door opens. Blake walks in and locks the door behind him. As soon as he notices the piece of bacon in my hand, he glares with the devil-like eyes he has and marches his way towards me.



Oh my god! I published the prologue to this story a year ago and for some reason I never continued..... I'm SOOOOOO sorry! I was so busy and I totally forgot about wattpad! I plan on updating this again in the next week, but I'm just always busy now! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and leave a comment telling me what you think! Thanks!

-Hannah (:

5687 (Sequel to Rejected But Alive)Where stories live. Discover now