Chapter 6

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I was flung over someone's shoulder as we made our way down the hall.

He and his group of friends were laughing and insulting me.

"You not going to fight back princess?" Robin laughed and smacked my butt hard.
I yelped, only making the boys laugh more.

I suddenly felt incredibly angry and kneed Robin in the gut.

He doubled over in pain and I rolled as I hit the floor.
I crouched further away from them, evaluating what their next move would be.
One of the boys unsheathed his knife and strode towards me.

Robins arm shot out, stopping the boy from advancing.

"Do you want us to kill the little moon princess?" He mocked.

I sighed in defeat and dropped my guard. I knew they would kill Maria I I didn't co-operate.

"Do that again, and I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for a week." I hissed.

He rolled his eyes as I walked on ahead.
The boys would shove me every so often, making me stumble to regain my balance.

We soon reached a small cell with a small bed of straw and some rusty looking cuffs attached to the top and bottom of the wall.

They gave me one last final shove and I tumbled into the tiny cell, skidding along the rough stone.

I tried to stand but before I could struggle to my feet, a pair of hands grabbed my wrists and yanked my upright.

Robin unsheathed his dagger and hacked away at the rope binding my wrists together.
I felt the blood flow through my veins and my fingers pricked a bit as I regained feelings in my hands.

This didn't last long as my hands were pinned above my head and fastened in place with the iron cuffs.
I had to stand on the tips of my toes as my feet didn't quite reach the ground.

I hoped they wouldn't leave me like this all night, but knowing my luck they probably would.

Robin yanked my chin up so we were making eye contact.
I could see the regret in his eyes but it soon vanished.

"Now you little minx. You're going to tell us where you've hidden those moon pearls." He demanded.

I yanked my chin out of his grip.
"Or what? You're going to go crying to your daddy?" I mocked.

I could see him getting angry and I knew I probably shouldn't have said anything.

"Guess you want to do this the hard way then." He smirked.

His glare sent shivers down my spine an I knew he wasn't joking around anymore.

He stepped back and I notice two of his friends had large whips in their hands.
Now those would sting like a bitch.

"Sure you won't reconsider." He asked.

I smirked.
"Bite me."

He shrugged before nodding to his friends, who were waiting eagerly for his signal, like a pair of rabid dogs waiting to be let off their leads.

They both grinned and slashed their whips down hard.

The first blow landed across my stomach and the second across my cheek.
I refused to make a sound but compensated by giving them both a chilling glare.

They seems to hesitate and turned back to Robin as if to ask if they should continue.

"Come on boys, put a bit of effort in." Was all he said.
Thirteen more blows landed across my legs and chest before I cried out.

Soon they decide to swap.
The two boys handed over the cat o' nine tails over to the other two.

Robin seemed hesitant at first and let the other boy go first.
He had a lot more muscle that the last two so his blows were harder.

I felt the skin on my stomach and cheek break and my shirt was suddenly decorated with a few strips of red.

Then it was Robins turn.
There was a look of sorrow in his eyes and it was obvious he didn't want to do it.
There were jeers from behind him, encouraging him to continue.

"Turn her around." He demanded.

I was release from the iron cuffs and I fell slack as I was turned around and re-chained to the wall.

What a coward
I thought.
He can't even look at my face whilst he hits me.

I knew he didn't want to do this but he was still going to. He wasn't even going to protest and that hurt a lot. He was the first person who I had trusted and even liked.

He cracked the whip against my back.
Once. Twice. Three times.
I could tell he wasn't giving it his all, but it still hurt.

However the betrayal was the salt in the wound and it stung way worse than the whip did.

He hit me twice more before I felt the skin break.
I cried out in pain as he lashed out three more times and although I couldn't see my back I was sure it was a patch red.

As he raised the whip once more I could faintly hear the sound of shouting and a bell being rung.

"The prisoner has escaped! The prisoner has escaped!" I heard several times.
I heard the sound of the prison gate being swung open and several pairs of footsteps run down the corridor, towards the shouts.

Maria must have escaped. I sighed in relief. Hopefully she would be safe now.

I felt the shackles being removed from my wrists and I slumped into the arms of whoever was holding me.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I winced as I felt them brush my new wounds.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I shouldn't have done it! I'm so sorry."
I was rocked gently from side to side.

I looked up to see Robin with tears in his eyes.
One of them managed to slip down his cheek.

I reached up and wiped it away, gently cupping his jaw.

"I forgive you." I murmured. I was exhausted and I felt my eyelids beginning to droop.

He gently lowered me onto the bed of straw.

"I'll come back. I'll come back and get you out of here I swear!" He kissed my forehead before turning on his heel and sprinting out of the cell, closing the door behind him.

"No need." I muttered to myself, lifting up the dull silver key I had retrieved from his pocket and smiled to myself.

The Angel of Moonacre(Robin de noir X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora