From Friends To Strangers

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Part 4 - so yh I feel better and stole my mums iPad to upload so sorry for the really bad mistakes anyway thanks so much for the positive comments and stuff it's the best I've had so far on a story so super happy!! Anyway VOTE COMMENT and FAN!! Cause that stuff makes me happy and happy and happy and yh immature just get on now haha :)

Part 4 - From Friends To Strangers

I watched stunned until the lunch room door had slammed closed and Austin was gone.

Yeah that was weird! Ok there's got to be something wrong here maybe Austin just needed the loo and it was all bad timing! That does happen you know! Knowing my luck.

I stole a quick glance up at Rainy as I turned back around to see her face rather controlled but her eyes glazed over with unfilled tears and suddenly I felt like crap again. She's liked him since well since I first introduced Austin to them! Rainy never called dibs we don't do that unless it's a joke but still theirs a hushed rule between friends that every GOOD friend knows about, one that Lucy forgot, and one that I sorta have to follow.

It's the most obvious thing that she likes Austin and it still isn't right cause well, what am I supposed to do?

I can't go for him even if I wanted to which I'm not going too! And it's just wrong in so many ways but how can Austin like me? How didn't I pick up on the signs? This is mad!

"You should go after him, try and at least not make him feel like a fool cause get a know after a confession like that." I looked towards Bailey as she was trying to hide the smirk on her lips. Oh god! She was on on this! She knew!

Why the hell didn't she tell me?!

Ok maybe she did with all the hints and yeah it all makes sense now but really? Really?!

I took a deep breath avoiding eye contact with Rainy as Tina whistled and had a whole conversation with Bailey on how I was finally gonna get over Steven when in fact, I felt worse, I had no clue what to do or what to say to Austin and worse, what am I supposed to say to Rainy?

They may not be able to see it but I've been in Rainys place and it's the most brightest thing in the room right now! Not to mention how silent she's fallen.

"Wait, you are gonna like you know?" Bailey asked cutting off as she turned her eyes to face me.

"I can't! Austins a friend! I love him like a friend and I'm still in love with ...." I cut off looking at the ground not wanting to finish off.

"babe I know this feels hard right now but the minute you start dating Austin it's gonna work out and you'll be over Steven!"

"it's not that easy guys, you don't just start dating someone let alone your friend! And do I have to mention he's a player it's his job to break girls hearts!" I felt sorta bad saying that but it was sorta true, I haven't met one girl that survived a day without getting her heart broken by Austin and hello?! Not really in the mood to get hurt right now!

And there's another very good reason for not going for it which they seem to be overlooking here,

We're FRIENDS! If anything were to go wrong that would be it for our friendship and I just can't stop seeing him as only my .... Friend.

Why did god do this to me? This SO isn't fair.......

"You should go after him Gabby." my attention was snapped back to Rainy as her strained voice sounded and I saw that same painful fake smile pull on her lips that I used only a day ago.

"Rainy I-" before I could try and even finish my sentence, Rainy was up on her feet stumbling around trying to clear her stuff away as sniffed trying to keep her tears in as much as possible.

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