Lewis? That Name....

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My computers back!!! YAY!!! So thanks to all the votes and comments and fans, made me feel so much better!!! I was sorta stuck on this chappy but I think its ok, I dunno so u should most probably vote and comment to show if its good :P


Part 5 - Lewis? That Name....

"Crap!" I muttered as I wiped at my tears roughly before rushing out of the old classroom and down the now packed halls. I didn't care about the shoves or awkward stares I was getting from people, in fact, I didn't feel like me at all!

"Hey Gabby! Wait up!" I ignored Tina and kept rushing wanting to run out of the school building and just hide behind anyones car or at least skip school.

Everythings just been going down hill and its killing me....well, I guess their right when people say bad luck comes in threes.

"Yo! Stop!" Tina was gaining up on me and my feet wouldn't go faster, well they would but the fact that my eyes were blurry and I couldn't see right, it would end in me falling straight to the ground, get trampled on and most probably break my nose.

"Oh Gabby!" Ok, now I wish I had been stopped by Tina.

I looked up from the pale hand on my shoulder and slowly traced all the way up until I was looking into those sly blue eyes. Slowly she removed her hand from my shoulder and took a step back and then I noticed that bulky arm wrap around her shoulder and then, they were standing there like a perfect couple.

"Gabby, I want to make this right."

"Whats this bitch doing here?" I turned my head to the side slightly as Tina stood next to me, her hands on her hips. "You want me to teach this whore-"

"Its fine Tina," I muttered looking back at Lucy while clearing my thorat leaning my side onto one of the lockers close by.

A few students had stopped and were watching, excepting to see a fight of some sort while others just wanted fresh gossip.

"Look, things between you and Steven weren't right so you can't blame me!" Wait, back up, is this her trying to make me forgive her? Cause she's failing epicly..... "Plus, he just choose me over you there's no harm in that."

I heard Tina gasp ready to kick the day lights outta her but suddenly the blood was pumping through my veins and something snapped in me, something I never thought possiable. I straightened my posture and now, the whole hall was crowded around, watching waiting for something juicy to happen and I was almost sure everyone was there!

"You know what? Your right." Tina shot me a look of disgust and I saw Bailey ready to run in and slap me but I already had my hand out for Lucy to take. Smiling, she giggled and took my hand in hers but before she could say anything, I pulled her in and met her nose with my other first.

Everyone was suddenly yelping as Lucy fell back onto the ground screaming in pain as she held her nose in her hands, the blood pouring out and Tina clapping with amusment.

"Theres no harm in picking a whore."

"What the fuck!" My eyes snapped up to Steven and I saw the rage build in his eyes as he looked down at his yelping girlfriend as she whimpered around in pain screaming her lungs out. What a drama queen.

I narrowed my eyes at Steven, suddenly wanting to lash out at him too, wanting to hurt him just like he hurt me but worse, I wanted him to feel pain...and right now, I felt like I could dish it out to anyone, like I needed too!

"You stuck up, cunt!" I yelled running towards him but I was held back by Tina, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist holding me back as I was ready to throw myself at him and rip his eyes out.

"Babe, I'm all for you going Jackie Chan on his ass and all but maybe not now," She whispered but it didn't stop me from trying to wriggle out of her grip and grab him.

"What the fucks your problem! You need a slap, who the hell do you-" Suddenly Steven was cut off, a fist connected to the side of his face and he was sent whilling to the ground next to Lucy.

"Watch your tongue, you never talk to a lady like that." everyone in the hall had went limp, in fact it felt like everyone was suddenly holding their breath! Even Tina's grip had lossened to the point I was let go and when I turned to face her, she was staring at the guy just like everyone else, with her eyes wide open and her mouth drooling.

I turned confused at first, and then, I saw why they were all in that state.

His shaggy dark brown hair hovered over his dark green eyes, his plump lips pulled into a smile. His blue shirt was half open showing off his ripped tanned chest and his baggy jeans suited his legs perfectly as he extened his hand towards me.

"Hey, I'm Sam, Sam Lewis." I smiled, well that was all I actually could do and slowly took his hand ignoring the whimpers of pain from the two nothings that lay on the floor until it suddenly hit me.


That was Austin's surname.....


Short I know but thats cause I feel evil!! Nah its cause i got so much time to upload so, yh, but VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!! Where do u think this is gonna go???? TELL MEEEEEEE!!!! Cause i <3 u guys!!

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