The Only Girl in the Band...[Part 10]

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A/N: Before you all start reading, there is some mention of alcohol in this. It's not too bad, but if you're too young and don't think you can handle it, don't read this part. Just as a warning.


"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." Mae began singing. Caleb and Ian set the cake on our table. Caleb, Camron, and Liam all sang along with Mae. Ian stood silently watching them with an unreadable expressiong on his face. As they sang, other people in the club took notice and sang along, too, just for the heck of it. By the end of the corny birthday song, half the people in the club were singing to me in drunk, off-key voices.

"Happy birthday dear Vanessa!!!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!" they all finished. Everyone cheered and clapped.

"You're hot!" some guy that I couldn't see yelled.

"Happy birthday!" random people in the crowd shouted. I blushed, feeling slightly uncomfortable with all the attention. To distract myself, I turned to Mae.

"This is why you guys were all acting so weird?" I asked her. She grinned wildly at me.

"Happy 21st, Nessie!!!" she squealed, throwing her arms around me. I laughed and hugged her back. Then I turned to Caleb, who smiled at me.

"You were in on this?" I asked him.

"Guilty as charged," he grinned. I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Happy 21st, Vanessa," he said softly in my ear. I pulled away, still smiling and then turned to the other boys and thanked them all, too, giving a hug to each of them. When I got to Ian, I just gave him an awkward smile which he briefly returned.

"Now you can drink legally!!" Mae whispered in my ear. She made a gesture and a bartender brought out a round of shots. Looks like I was going to get drunk tonight.


"Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!" people all around me shouted. I was on my fifth shot of the night and I was feeling extremely buzzed.

"Last one!" I slurred. I pinched my nose and closed my eyes, downing the shot. I winced as it burned my throat. Everyone around me cheered. I opened my eyes, seeing the room spin for a few moments. Once it steadied itself, I stood up, a little unbalanced. What k-kind of party is this? Let's d-dance!!!!" I cried, wobbling to the dance floor. People cheered and followed me. The DJ played a club remix of Evacuate the Dance Floor by Cascada.

"Ohh ohhh! Evacuate the dance floor! Ohh ohh! I'm infected by the sound!" I sang with Mae. We bounced around and danced as if there wasn't a care in the world. And at that moment, there wasn't. I danced around with Caleb, Camron, and Liam. We all danced together. I danced with strangers I had never met before. But I didn't care. I was having fun. And nothing was going to ruin that. At one point in the night, I took the microphone and sang a rock rendition of Rihanna's S & M. I was drunk and the atmosphere was just fueling me even more. I could do anything. I was unstoppable.

"I'll be right back! Hold on!" I cried to Mae and the others as I stumbled off the dance floor. I needed water. I went up to the bar and asked for a drink of water. While I waited for the bartender to bring it out to me, I turned and surveyed the crowd. I couldn't believe it. I, Vanessa Laine, the girl who was always serious about life, was drunk at a club on my 21st birthday. I was changing quickly, and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I shook my head. It was the alcohol talking. I wasn't going to let those thoughts ruin my mood.

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