Chapter 30

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What in the world would I do without Hayden Cross in my life?

Live peacefully, that's for sure.

Go on normal dates. Worry about taking my SAT score instead of dealing with a bunch of crazy wannabe mobsters.

And now, to top it all off, Hayden Cross has decided to intrude on the one aspect of normalcy in my life with the girl who helped me put him in his place. Maybe I was the one who got shot? Maybe I'm the one in a drug-induced hallucination?

"So...Cross..." Nate begins slowly, glancing at me to make sure I won't pounce over the table and strangle Hayden. "What have you been up to lately?"

As Nate speaks, Hayden's piercing gaze is zeroed in right on me, eyes daring me to go ahead do whatever it is I'm planning to do to him. I'm not going to waste a perfectly good plate of spaghetti. That would be cruel to the spaghetti. And my stomach.

Ignoring my deadly glare, Hayden turns his attention to Nate and smiles. "I've been well. How about you, Nate? How has your return to Valleyfield been?"

Despite his smile, there is nothing polite in Hayden's tone, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when Nate stiffens at his remark. Both boys lean forward in their seats, glares challenging in a way tells me there is something else—something more sinister—going on here. And when I glance at Abigail, I catch her nudge Hayden in the ribs, and much to Nate's amusement, his gaze falters.

"It's been good, Cross." Nate answers with a killer smile. "Better than yours."

Hayden's eyes narrow. "Why the hell would you say that?"

Nate moves to wrap his arm around my shoulder and pull me close to his side, catching me off guard. "Reasons." Abigail rolls her eyes and Hayden's irritated glance stays put. Is it getting hot in here? No? That's just me?

You probably match the red tablecloths, hun.

"How long are you here, Abby?" I quickly ask, hoping this change in subject will stop the mood of tonight from going anymore sour. Maybe she'll get the hint and get out of here. I don't want to see either of them (preferably) ever again.

"How's your brother?" Nate wonders, still holding me close.

"He's fine," she snaps. Smiling at me, she answers, "I'm actually leaving tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I'll be back." She looks at Hayden. "I have to take care of a few things at my parent's new place in New York."

Okay, could you at least try to be a little less suspicious?

"I didn't know your parents moved to New York," I say.

Abigail's smile falters and the cheerful, badass girl I once looked up to appears sullen, too tired for someone her age. "There was an accident."

My breath catches. "What? When?"

Abigail doesn't meet my eyes. "In August. It—um, my mom isn't doing too well."

"Your mom?" my words are thick on my tongue. Abigail's mother always took care of Corry and I when our mom was at work or too drunk to do any good. When Abigail graduated, they moved away to stay with her brother. I still got letters and cards from them. She still kept in touch with my mom. "When? Why didn't anyone tell us? I'm so sorry, Abby. I didn't know."

"There's a lot you don't know and I'm so sorry about that."

"What happened?"

Wiping her tears, Abigail stares me straight in the eyes and says three words that send me spiraling down a black hole. "It was Derek."

Run Bad Boy RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora