Chapter 38

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I never get the chance to run.

In one moment, Hayden and I are standing next to each other, stiff and ready to turn around and fight whomever Derek or Jason has sent after us, and in the next, Hayden is knocked to the ground by a figure dressed in black. A figure whose grunts and frustrated curses I recognize instantly. A figure whose mop of curly black hair I trimmed only a few days ago.

"Corry!" I screech, diving into the heap of my brother and Valleyfield bad boy. "What the hell are you doing here? Hey! Corry—Corry! Hayden! Stop it, you idiots!"

Both of them ignore me. I'm furious—no, furious doesn't even begin to cut it. Roaring, Corry shove Hayden's face against the ground and the force pinwheels them over each other, hurling me into a patch of mud. Neither boy stops: punching, kicking, scratching each other like this is the battle to settle all battles, when in reality, all they're doing is causing a scene we can't for the life of us afford.

A Good Samaritan helps me to my feet. I thank the woman, too caught up in the situation to get a proper look at her. I'm too focused on Corry. Where did my brother come from? How in the world did he know we were going to be here? Out of all places?

My answer comes in the form of a familiar brunette in a purple tracksuit sprinting right at me. When Gabby calls my name, my head snaps in the direction of her voice so fast, pain shoots through my neck. But shock dulls the stabbing sensation. Gabriella Hansen stops the second my rage registers on my face and I have half a mind to tackle her to the ground myself.

"You had one job!" I scream. I have half a mind to tackle her to the ground, as well. I really, really want to. But I turn my attention back to Hayden and Corry. A few men from the crowd jump in and tear them apart. Holding each boy by the arms, they shout for Corry and Hayden to calm down if they don't want the police involved, and thankfully, both comply.

Holy crap. I don't know who I'm going to murder first.

"I'll make sure they behave." I tell the men, making sure to stare sharp daggers at Corry and Hayden. When I look at him, Corry's expression doesn't falter from its deadly glare and I ignore the sting in my chest, continuing my argument against the cops getting involved. "You know how teenage boys can be! They're stupid! Too much testosterone, you know? I promise everything will be fine."

"She's right!" Hayden smirks when the burly man holding him in a chokehold finally lets go. "I would never beat a guy up in front of his sister. I'm not that much of a prick."

Hayden Cross, I swear to God!

Corry doesn't give into Hayden's taunting. "We'll behave," he assures the adults. "It just was a misunderstanding." With that, they're let free as the crowd slowly disperses, I notice Gabby casually edging further and further away from me. I catch her by the hood before she can get too far.

"Ember, I can explain!" she wails.

"You had one job, Gabriella!"

Corry shoves himself between us and I roll my eyes at the leveled calm in his stern gaze. My brother has always had a knack for silencing his temper before he gets into any trouble. I didn't inherit that gene. "Don't take it out on her, Em. I knew what was going on. She insisted on coming with me."


The sadness that crosses his face breaks my heart. There are fine lines along the edges of his eyes and across his forehead that no eighteen-year-old should have. He motions for us to move to a cluster of empty benches. "That Derek guy? And Mom's psycho boyfriend?" he starts with a dry laugh. "I've known about them since Mom's bender. When I went out looking for her? They approached me that night."

Run Bad Boy RunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora